Bleaching your teeth

Nov 26, 2007 22:02

So yeah, I've been away from my update page for a while. I've been rather conscience of it in the last week.. Although I have been commenting on other peoples' LJs.

I haven't really updated since September. So yes, term has been happening!

I'm currently getting ready for assessment week (the week starting 10/12 [just happens to be catdad's birthday!]), which is the week after my trip to New York. Its really hitting home that I'm off to the US in 5 days!

For Halloween (which, btw doesn't feel that long ago) I went to Robinhood's Bay, Whitby. I had a great time. I got to know a lot of people much better, worked out which of the group to be wary of too.

Catdad's surgery (the one in August, that I was home for) didn't go well. Part of the joint has pulled away from the bone. This means he's waiting for it to be refitted/repaired. But he ended up with a bedsore, so he had to wait for them to heal (which they have done now).

Catmum has officially retired now. She's much happier about life in general (well was the last time I talked to her!).

Altogether the parents are ok, just waiting for Dad to be better.

A couple of weeks ago I saw Bill Bailey live in Sheffield. Myself, Kian, Nick (wonderful Nick!!) and Mum went together. While there we ran into my brother and sister-in-law. By all accounts we should have run into Sexy Sawa, as she was in a block very close to mine! Bill was *fab*, got the live CD (of course! What sort of fan to you think I am!?!).

Recently Kian has been heavily playing on the Wii. He's almost finished Resident Evil 4, finished Raving Rabbids, Trauma Room, all the training is unlocked on Sports, finished Zelda... He's been lent Super Paper Mario.

Uni is going well. A fair few people have left the course which I find weird. My tutor is really nice. He finds it weird that I can pick up most cameras and make them Work. I has the Geek factor on my side though.

I'm utterly in love with Paperchase. I have a journal from them - its so cute.

This year I'm going to my parents for Christmas. There are going to be 10 adults (minimum) at there on Christmas Day (mum, dad, liz, grim, adam(child! my arse, he'll be bigger than me in a year!), rob, helen, kian, rand, edmund and I). We put the meat order in a few weeks ago. It really worried the lad that took it that we needed to feed so many adults!

House is going ok. Keeping an eye on the Northern Rock shenanigans (our mortgage is with them - though is a fixed thingy until march 09) so I know where the money ends up.. :)

I have discovered the joy of Primark. I can get clothes that *fit*!!! They also don't cost me that much. The jeans are also better denim than the ones I was getting from New Look (just a shame about the length of legs!).

Last week I re-pressurised the central heating. The only annoying bit of it is that the inlet valve is behind the washing machine! I stupidly cracked my head on the cupboard door. See the boiler cupboard is the one above the washing machine cubbyhole. So as I stood up from turning the valve I hit my head. It still hurts 5 days on. At least we have working heating now. Shame about the living-room - there's only a tiny radiator in here which is behind the AV kit.

Oh yeah, is there anyone that wants my mobile number? Noone asked for it when I got it changed.

I'm going to try not to leave my LJ for so long in the future! When I get poked in comments by peke I know its bad..

social life, christmas, kian, clothes, all change, techie, bill bailey, photography, traveling, shopping, course, halloween, university, heating, family, art, phone, new york, getting the house sorted

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