Supernatural 9.01 reactions to fandom and some spoilers

Oct 14, 2013 19:08

So I've been visiting various Supernatural forums to get a feel for the reactions to 9.01.  I'm actually pretty encouraged that more than a few people are actually angry that Dean chose to let Ezekiel take the wheel against Sam's wishes.  I've been semi-convinced that the original choice can be justified based on time constraints and desperation.  I am less happy about the justifications that are popping up for continuing to keep Sam in the dark about what is going on with him.

There are several arguments that I completely disagree with.
1) Sam trusted Dean to come up with a plan so he has NO RIGHT to complain about Dean tricking him into saying yes to an angel and getting Sam possessed. Yes, Sam knows Dean has done stupid things in the past, but trusting him to not violate Sam's bodily integrity is trusting Dean to be a good person, not giving him leeway to do whatever he thinks is right even when he knows Sam will hate it.

2) Sam was being selfish to give up fighting. How could he not think about how his death will hurt Dean? Look I know Dean's wishes always come first, but, to me, when someone is dying they actually have the right to put themselves first and foremost and NOT have to consider anyone but themselves

3) What choice does Dean have other than to keep the secret? After all Sam will eject Ezekiel and die Dean could choose to treat Sam like a real human being, who has the right to make his own decisions about what kind of medical treatment he wants and what conditions are too much for him to submit to.  Dean could treat Sam like a person instead of something placed on this earth to give Dean what he wants, no matter what Sam may want.

4) Wouldn’t it be nice if Sam said, “You know, Dean…I don’t agree with how you went about it and you shouldn’t have lied to me because you know I hate that, but I get it because it’s who you are and you’re my brother and I love you (boop) and thanks for giving me another shot at life. I’m glad to be here.” Because Lord knows Sam hasn't deferred to Dean's wants, needs and desires ENOUGH over the years. He has to be completely dominated by Dean and must not even feel anger when Dean violates him.  In fact, he must be grateful.  This one I just can't even understand.

Now all this got overridden by this interview with Jeremy Carver.


My one hope was that Dean would get truly slapped in the face with doing something that has disastrous consequences because DEAN trusted the wrong supernatural creature.  But no, Ezekiel is pure in thought word and deed and the only problem will be that Sam and Dean view their lives differently and eventually Sam will be FORCED to acknowledge that being alive is good, Dean was right and Sam has no right to want anything that Dean does not want. Well at least we got the answer to Sam's question "How soon will you find another angel that you trust more than me" and the answer is about 2.5 seconds or as soon as I find one that tells me what I want to hear.

So right now, I'm not a happy camper.

thoughts on season 9, supernatural

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