Okay, this is actually important. Please read carefully as these are the rules in detail.
1) Stories MUST follow the following format in posts:
Author: [user-links okay]
Pairing: [please use the form name/name, though namesquishes are okay, as well]
Rating: [K ~ M style, but G ~ NC-17 is accepted. Any warnings?]
Summary: [Make it short! Don't ramble. XD.]
PLEASE lj-cut everything over 1000 characters. See below for details.
2) All stories must use proper spelling and grammar to the best of the writer's ability. NO CHATSPEAK, NO SELF-INSERTS, NO MARY SUES/GARY STUS WHATEVER THE HELL YOU GUYS CALL THOSE FREAKS OF NATURE THINGS. There is such a thing called human error, but there's also something called a beta. We are not a beta-reading system, but feel free to ask any of the mods for help and tutorials.
3) Obviously, PJO fics only. If you have trouble with the acronym, I kindly suggest
leaving the fandom.
4) Before you submit your fic to a mod, you need to make sure it's the absolute best it'll ever be.
5) No trolling. No spamming. No flaming.
*amendments to rules.
a) There will be no introductory posts allowed. Please refer to
this post for reasons as to why.
To organize the posts, I have added tags to each and every one. The important ones listed with messages from the mods will always have the ! before them, i.e. !modpost, or !important.
I have also taken the libery to add genre tags. Please tag your fic according to genre. The more tags, the more easier you'll find it (in the future, at least, since we really don't have a lot of ficcies at the moment. XD). Genre tags start with x, like x: angst or x: romance. Pairing types will use this tag, as well. x: slash, x: het. And time-settings follow x: au, x: canon, etc.
Actual pairing tags will follow the regular name/name format, with a p in front. I.e., p: percy/thalia.
There are also length tags, #oneshot, #multi-chapter, #novella, and author tags, to organize fics -obviously- by whoever wrote it. Writing journals will not be listed. These tags begin with a.
Some guidelines to follow:
Please tag everything by yourself. It's enough that we have to go and organize and moderate posts, as tagging is your responsibility because we really don't care how many comments you get.
If you would like to request a tag/pairing/author-name, use !needspairingtag or !needsauthortag, etc.
ANY stories rated M/R/NC-17 MUST be f-locked. Any authors who do not lock the posts will find their fic deleted and their name removed.
As far as commenting on stories go, feel free to write a response to any posted fics, as long as it's not particularly bashing, and the author expresses the desire for you to comment. As these stories have already been critiqued and looked-over, it is unnecessary to say anything unflattering. Though if you must~
Please use fake cuts only when you want comments directed back to your own journal. As we are unable to approve your writing by directly commenting on posts, this makes it a little more difficult for the the mods. Label your fake cuts.
I'd also like to welcome a new mod.
peridottears , also known as Dot-chan. She's a very skilled writer and lovely person, in general. :D. Future mods will be selected when this archive widens, and mods will become maintainers when we require help with coding. There will be no jumping the level of a moderator to become a maintainer. XD.
Here's a
link, if anyone needs help learning how to utilize an lj-cut.
Comments? Questions? Reply here.