A mobile app that knows what movie, book or music you will like right now

Sep 30, 2017 16:15

We know what you'll like. Better than you!

Sometimes everyone needs advice. And it's not always a matter of life and death, our life consists of dozens of small solutions. What film choose to watch on a date, which music album will fix the autumn melancholy, which bestseller did you miss in 2014? No one will give advice better than IceTip.

IceTip is a mobile application that helps you to choose from thousands of movies, music tracks and books. 10 simple questions. This way the primary psychological portrait is formed. With each received advice, the user notes: how close the application has guessed his or her taste.

Using a neural network, the application with each "like" is more accurate in building up a picture of the user's preferences and moods.

It can analyze what kind of films or books other users with a similar psychological portrait liked at this moment. You do not need to look for like-minded people, IceTip will find them yourself.

Most of us do not have the same preferences with friends. Critics are disappointing, bloggers are wrong, but the piece of advice from IceTip is made just for you. All the world's films, all the music on the planet are available for you. And now the problem of choice in this ocean of information is solved. Every day its advice will be more precise and accurate. Everyone dreams about a friend with the same views and broad erudition. Now you can stop, you have IceTip.

All you need is to use the application tips and do not forget to mark whether you liked it or not.

IceTip knows you better than your friends, because it likes to talk so much about your character.



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