Last time I rolled alien abduction and aliens were to be had from both
madame_ugly and
hpsnapepm with our lovely founder by
bondchick_nett and
engram_au sims were also to be seen.
This time sims by or born from unions with:
simpurity (founder!Yay!),
cuddlesgirl and
dark_moon689 appear!
'Nother week, another challenge.
2:3 The Angelina Challenge adopt three toddlers in a row. If you don’t have enough money to adopt, save up until you do. If you don't have enough room in your household, move some people out.* Once the adopting starts, it has to be three in a row. None of these children are eligible for heir.
I wanted this challenge I really did...just not right after the alien one. I know, I know, how picky can a woman get right?
What? Five kids, a dozen kids, I'm still going to be pulling my hair out.
Grilled Cheese is still being made and consumed. No power on earth can stop the grilling of cheese!
Ask is more prone to milk lightly shaken and placed in a green container personally.
And Embla just passes out, trapped in the pink chair of narcolepsy.
That's right Junius
boolpropbea keep digging. I don't see any windows in that house!
I love you because you autonomously feed the baby. <3 Greatest legacy partner ever.
And indulge Rygr when she starts talking about her dream of using crude oil to mass produce a billion grilled cheese sandwiches.
Later that night...
Really Gordon? Right before I get my first brand new kid?
Yeah, be afraid of my adorably beaked local police officer Dathan. Burglar spam!
/End spam You get the impression they've done this before?
That's right Gordon, you've been a bad boy. Officer Rooster Dathan is going to have to punish bring you down to the station!
Dathan then decided to tell the toddler and baby that they'd been instrumental in the capture of Gordon. You know, while they were sleeping. In cribs. Because THEY'RE BABIES!
Shock! Awe! Amazement!
Rygr is ecstatic to be adopting.
cuddlesgirl's Daniella is ecstatic to be joining this cheese obsessed family.
Quick Daniella, hit her in the head with a bottle and crawl! CRAWL TO FREEDOM!
Or latch yourself to the competent adult. That works too...
Birthday! Holy hell does
madame_ugly's Tatum throw adorable kids or what? *loves*
Birthday's are very tiring. And they just might be too poor to afford a bed at this moment...
Well, Rygr thought, if one toddler is awesome, than two would be fantastic right?
Yay, Embla has her bio-alien
hpsnapepm's Robert's red hair! Argh the alien cuteness, it burns with adorable.
Junius was not sleeping! Junius was studiously examining his piece of cake! Junius has this situation completely under control!
Wow. I haven't seen a do-rag since I was a little girl living in the slums and it was on the nanna's. It makes me wish they also did the proper handkerchief hairstyle then it'd be just like my grandmother and great-aunts from the old country. <.< *nostalgic*
Autonomous huggles for the win. And initiated by Embla who has ZERO nice points. 0.o
Ask is visiting with his bio-mom.
So while enjoying a good game of chess and conversing on the virtues of grilled cheese sim!god Rygr suddenly remembers...
It's a shack marriage!
Rygr you better love and appreciate this man that is willing to stay with your grilled cheese obsessed self and your house full of children.
New Tot! It's
needlecream's Antwerp. He's slightly more resigned to his fate trapped in the house of cheese.
Getting closer...with one more toddler to adopt.
Ask is trying to make up for his lack of skills by latching onto the chess table.
Then the last toddler rolled in. Meet
dark_moon689's Samara! Welcome to the madhouse!
Rygr wake up and come greet your new daughter!
Meet Blonde/Grey eyed little girl Atla...
and her twin Redhead/Grey eyed little boy Ymir. Yes. Twins. *headdesk*
And just in case she felt left out Junius dropped the twins and rushed over to change Samara's diaper. I don't think that's going to make up the fact that her adoption was upstaged by the birth of twins Junius. But hey, thanks for trying.
And she does appreciate it. :D
I think Ask is feeling a little overwhelmed.
But he's a great big brother who loves to autonomously play with his younger siblings.
And he's smart enough to call for a nanny and tell her that the family just might need a tiny, teensy bit of help...
You know with Junius struggling to keep up with twins.
And a toddler...
or two.
er, three...
a lot.
I never thought I'd write this but, SAVE US FAIL NANNY! SAVE OUR SANITY!
Don't worry Junius! If waves of babies have you down the only answer is!
/End Spam. Please note, no babies were eaten in the making of baby spam.
And then Daniella decided she'd had enough of toddler!swarm and upgraded to able-to-fend-for-herself.
Happy Child is Happy.
Ask teaching Antwerp the nursery rhyme.
Yes Rygr is still around. She didn't marry and then run off. She's been working to be able to afford the nanny and useless butler.
Awww. I know some people get weirded out if a kid sleeps with an adult, but it doesn't bother me. It's something children do. And Ask is smart enough to recognize that his parents bed is the best on in the house (they were finally able to afford some bunkbeds for the impending kidapalooza).
At this point I decided that Rygr would be a stay-at-home mom since she doesn't have a job related LTW. And you know, she's not allowed to sit around neglecting the kids and eating grilled cheese 24/7.
See not eating a grilled cheese sandwich.
Junius needs a power up every once in a while being a romance sim and all.
Keep it to kissing you two!
Oh boy, who wants Junius baked Xmas cookies?
Rygr denies your cookies. Who wants cookies when there is the gloriousness of cheese melted between toasted bread? Bah Daniella toys! Who wants toys when there's GRILLED CHEESE!
And then it was toddler time for the twins.
Atla has Junius' nose! EEEEEE!
Er, Junius? You're missing the birthday!
That's better.
Ymir is not amused by his father's comment. He's also got daddy's squishy, adorable nose. Yay!
Rygr I know you're surrounded by children, but please be more enthusiastic when your son grows up next to you while you're potty training.
Embla on the other hand, loves a crowd.
You wanna start something hot dog lady? Huh?
Rygr, I know you love grilled cheese but you don't have to creep up behind Junius to share your perfect sandwich.
The chess table moved outside to turn the entertainment room into the bunkbed room. The second floor is toddler central.
I also decided rather than windows the kids needed the start of a playground so here's their body building play tower. :D
Now that she's unemployed Rygr is forced takes more of an active roll in teaching the tots. Something that Junius was doing solo for a while there.
First walking then ruling the world Samara!
Antwerp and Ask love to play together. :D
Walking accomplished! The youngest tots Samara, Atla and Ymir learned all their toddler skills. the other kids...learned at least one and sometimes two. It was a bad time in the House of Cheese.
Okay Rygr back to making window money!
They're so domesticated. <.<
Antwerp because he hides from my camera a lot.
Junius is still struggling to balance his career and home life.
Random kid spam. I was following them all around to make sure they were happy. Thus why the adults routinely take sandwich naps. They can't be taken by SS.
Yay another child successfully transitioned from my least favorite period! Welcome to fridge privileges Samara! :D
Daniella is still lobbying for more toys.
Rygr & Junius date spam activated!
/end spam. Yes, I let them, thankfully no baby jingles.
And with this the week ended. The kids relaxed or napped...
And that's it. Next time, I don't know. I've rolled the third challenge, but I haven't played any further than Junius trying to take out the competition so his own kids will be heirs. <.<
But at least the kids should all get to childhood and Ask will hit the terrible teens. :D