Permissions Post

May 04, 2011 12:19

( OOC )

Backtagging: Of course; backtag queen. ♥
Threadhopping: Yes please! Ask, just in case, though.
Fourthwalling: No.
Offensive subjects (elaborate): Sexual harassment/assault. More to come, probably, when I sort out my Feelings.

( IC )

Hugging this character: If you're a friend, so much yes! Nudge loves getting affection, and giving it. T__T
Kissing this character: Cheek kisses? Of course. :) I'm not sure about kiddy romance; she's somewhere in between the "EUW boys are so gross" stage and the "oooooh, boys~~~ /flutterflutter" stage. Leaning towards the latter.
Flirting with this character: Lol, see above? But I guess, ultimately, it's a yes. (If your character is a kid AHHHHHHHH I know it goes without saying but I figured I should just.. say...)
Fighting with this character: Yes, sure. Unless she's not in the mood, she'll agree to spar with just about anybody. Impromptu fighting is probably okay, too.
Injuring this character: Ask me for big things, like broken bones, being knocked unconscious, etc. But we could work something out. Small stuff like punches and kicks and pinches... go for it.
Killing this character: Ask me first. Depends on the circumstances, but the answer will probably be no, sorry.
Using telepathy/mind reading abilities on this character: Hit me up, and ask. I mean, for the most part, it's totally okay. It'd depend on who the character is, what they would theoretically do with the information, etc, etc.

( Nudge's Clairsentience/Psychometry )

When it comes to using Nudge's ability to touch objects and see visions of the people and things associated with it, and also feel the emotions tied to it, I'll always ask your permission! :) But if you'd like to drop me a line saying it's okay to do all the time... that would be nice too!


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