Nov 03, 2008 18:29
Not everyone has ugly friends to stand by comparison to. I don't have friends that are fatter than I am. There isn't anyone in my crew that wears clothes they shouldn't be in. There isn't one person that everyone sees and goes, "Holy shit is that person is ugly as sin." It's different for boys. No one really frowns upon the guy who fucks his girlfriend within a couple days of dating. But on the girl's side... Jesus Harold Christ.
When a girl does that, there's a tremble that is felt around the world (literal and figurative meanings apply). But honestly, it's pretty fucking cool phenomena. It gives that girl a new boost of self-esteem. You're confident enough to say anything. It makes you delusional. It's the cocaine of first timers. You hallucinate. You get fucked and you think you own the world. Your sweaty body- no matter how absolutely tortured and stretched- seems like God to you. So then you talk, talk, talk... and dump your friends and you suck, suck, suck... that dick as much as you can, getting your fulfillment from false promises. Then again, this is your first time, so when it ends, the world ends with it. Then you realize: all my friends are only drinking/smoking/pill-popping buddies and they're not really here for me now. You're all alone, the "fat friend". When guys say "all ugly girls have that one hot friend"... you'll know which one you are. The truth about yourself really comes out. But at least you got fucked right?! Being a girl is too easy.....
But I completely digress. This is about me not having friends. Everyone talks shit about me. Everyone steps on my ego. But everyone needs to understand- I have a big ego and a short temper. Acquaintances as dispensable as toilet paper. Words are words. Off my shoulder they roll.