Feb 04, 2013 21:04
No, not really, but holy shit it's been almost a year since I posted here.
No, I've not disappeared from the planet. And I feel like I could go through last year and barely touch on the things that happened, both good and bad.
Many of you are aware through other avenues of just what all has been going on.
I started employment with a home health agency in July of last year. That lasted...8 weeks. I was trying to get out of there in week 2 (Suffice to say..there was a very, VERY good reason why). I left there and went....back to tech. Yes, I have been gainfully employed for a little while now. I went direct from one job to another and have been employed for a good bit. That's a good.
The better? I was published last year. Yes, yours truly now has a short story in publication. "Unreal City" is an anthology of stories set in Indianapolis and the second story, The Hand of Victory, is mine. I had a lot of fun with it. It also taught me a hell of a lot. The second short story I've written has been submitted and I hope it makes the grade for the next anthology. It is set in the same world as my first story.
I won't say much about it as it could go through changes once my editor gets a hold of it. BUT, it gave me one of my favorite characters to play with...a fascinating woman known as "The Witch". And there is another anthology set in the time of Victorian romance/Steampunk. An idea has been worming its way through my mind, so I hope to get it out. Along with a few other stories that are in my head.
No mistake. The world that my two current stories are set in is...going to find its way into a novel. Hell, a writer I was on a panel at InCon with said "Dear, you've got a Series!". I certainly hope so. It's just finding the time...making the time...to get it all out of my head. And as many writers talk of, I find it astounding that I have no idea what will happen. The characters started taking on their own life which is a fascinating process.
I could talk a long time on that. And may in future.
Another thing that happened last year that I did not cover at all on LJ (so it seems). Crys and I started a podcast. We've been doing that for a year now. "Chris and Crys Take Over the World" is the name. If you want to now what is going on with us at any given moment, go find it and listen. It's on Itunes and we try to just update weekly with what is happening to us.
There are many, many decent podcasts out there. We list them now and then. :-) And hope that ours finds a commonality with others who are going through similar things to what we are.
Any way. Those are two quick updates on the last year. We'll see if I can keep momentum going. It's hard, but others are going through chaos as well so I feel like I'm in esteemed company in that regard.