And it actually wasn't my fault today!...oh wait, it's never really my fault. I'm just that wonderful. :-D
*complete lies*
ANYWHO, yeah. So I was SUPPOSED to start working today in that family practice office in Florida. I was set to go in at 9 even though no one TOLD me that because I emailed them last week annnnnnnnd the lady was out for the holiday annnnnnnnd so no one knew anything. At all. When I called the office last week, they thought I wanted to "shadow a doctor."...for a day. I was like, "uhh no this is a rotation. For....a month." But whatevs, I got up, got ready and all that jazz. Am sitting in my overheated sauna of a car at 8:25 this morning when I hear the little *doo doo doo do!* sound on my phone. I got an email! Yippee! And who from, you ask (no you don't, but shut up, this is for dramatic purposes!!)? The lady! "Oh one doctor's on vacation and the other one won't come in until 4:30. AND I'M not here today EITHER!"...okay, that wasn't verbatim, obvi, but you get the picture. GET IT. *shakes fist menacingly* Anyway, yeah. So I called the office and they confirmed that and blah. The lady asked me to email my number to her so she could call me and "touch base." Today. OH! And it's 9:20 PM now! A whole 11 hours later! phone call. GOD people are...gah. So BASICALLY...*I* didn't go to work today. A) Because no one was THERE and B)...well...because of A) damnit!! And if I were a NORMAL medical student, I would be like, "OH GLORIOUS DAY! The heavens above have shined their light upon me on this day!" and crap like that. But I'm not normal. And so while, yes, I did enjoy my day, still in the back of my mind was that little voice (not a real voice...heh heh heh...*shifts eyes nervously*), "Uhhhhh you should be working. Ya bastard." Yeah, it's not a nice voice, very demeaning. :( ANNNYwho, yeah. I don't think they even know that I'm supposed to be there. Or care. But they should care. Because my school cares. And ummm as much as I might not WANT to, I kind of need to graduate, you know, this year. And this stupid office preceptorship can't ruin that!!...I know, I'm being overly dramatic and I don't ACTUALLY think that, but..well...that's just part of my charm. :-D *smiles the biggest freak of a smile and scares everyone off*
So I emailed her back saying she could email me instead of call. And that I was showing up tomorrow at 9 anyway. Not that I WANT to, but above paragraph. I guess it's good that I read that email in my car right before I left. Otherwise hoo boy, driving those 12 miles to that office in vain...that would've done me in right then and there. LOL
*9 minutes later*
OHHHHHH wow, this, yes, right. Forgot about you. OMG and I chose to look at the TV and forget you again at the wrong moment. Okay, I'mma punch someone in the face. There's this STUPID ASS commercial on the Bangla channel that comes on like...TEN TIMES in an hour and it drives me insane. Because it's SO insipidly STUPID!!! There's this guy and this girl and they're in the stupid rain, probably during monsoon season!!! And the guy sings in English, while getting his stupid guitar all wet and probably ruined in the rain, "Raindrops are falling!" (No shit, Sherlock.) and the girl sings in bangla, "On your head!" And then he sings it again while flailing his arms around like a big stupid bird...and then she sings something else that I can't make it out, but I'm pretty sure it's something stupid as well. And then they stupidly frolic in the rain, ruining valuable pieces of equipment and being general morons. And to top it off, there's no PURPOSE for this commercial!! I don't know what it's advertising! It's not a TV show, it's not shampoo, and it's not for skin-lightening-because-Indian-women-are-ashamed-of-being-brown cream! It. Has. No. Purpose. Which makes it the epitome of stupid. And therefore, everytime I hear the beginning little tinklings (LOL no not that kind...but metaphorically, yes) of the stupid music, I just go, "UGGGGHHHHHHHH" and my mom laughs and I storm out of the room. No pun intended.
BTW, today's word of the day is "STUPID." Do with it what you will. I know I have. ^^^^^^^^^^^ >=O
So what did I do today...I watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo! On my lappy. It was good. I got the book last year because everyone said it was great and wondrous and I'm sure it is! I would know if I'd gotten past the first three pages. But, well, I just couldn't. Just. Couldn't. ANYWHO, since I figured it'd be a long time or you know, NEVER, until I read the book, might as well ruin it and watch the movie! I have no shame. Anywho, I liked it. AND I like the fact that it wasn't dubbed. God granted me the ability to read (yes, I don't care what YOU say) for a REASON...and it was so I could read subtitles. I don't mind! In fact, I LOVE subtitles! Yeah that's right! I'm one of those people that puts on captions and subtitles shamelessly, even when they're marked for only the hard of hearing. I just...I don't makes it worth it. LOL plus, THEN, I don't have to put the volume up to 50 (*cough* like my parents who watch STUPID COMMERCIALS *cough*)...where was I? Oh yeah, subtitles. Yeah, so I hate dubbing. It just...looks so STUPID (ding ding ding and we have a winner for the completely unnecessary and excessive usage of the word of the day! Moi. :-D). And the voices just sound stupid because it's never really the original actor ANYWAY. So in conclusion...I approved of this film. Besides, I love hearing other languages. Especially like Swedish and Suomi and stuff. It just...sounds great. :D
Especially when spoken by ahem certain people (HOTTTTNESSSSS!! I have no idea what he's saying, but eh, whatevs. Does it really matter? HEH HEH HEH HEH okay I'll stop.)
( I won't HEH HEH HEH HEH...HEH!)
And then after I finished that, I uhhhhhhh I dunno. I watched an episode of The Office. And then read my book! Yeah I ummm kinda sorta bought two books yesterday. :-D WHAT?! My mom gave me a Target gift card for my birthday for a reason! Why she made it out to be a $200 gift card, I'll never know. I mean, that would've been very handy mmmmmm two years ago. But she still thinks I'm as obsessed with that store as I was...two years ago. But I'm not AS much. Just...much. Besides, I was waiting and waiting for Target to get a certain paperback version of a book I wanted (The Devlin Diary OOOH!! *squeeee*) but they still haven't. :( And probably never will. :(...the bastards. So anyway, yeah, I just...went a bit crazy yesterday and bought two books and spent money that would've been sitting there inside of a plastic square piece of garbage for years to come otherwise. I got "The Forgotten Garden" by Kate Morton, the same lady who wrote "The House At Riverton" annnd another book called "Await Your Reply" by...some guy who's name I keep forgetting. Even though the book is right in front of my face. But hey you know what? SHUT IT. Yeah, so ummmmmm I kinda horribly ehhh stopped reading "The Swan Thieves." LOL for now, for now! Cmon it's like 600 pages...that'd keep me reading until residency! Figured I might as well start and finish a shorter faster read. So I started Await Your Reply...and it's good so far! But we'll see. WE'LL SEE.
*ominous music plays*...what? It always scared me. Still does. :(
And then BLAH! I napped for about twenty minutes on the recliner. And eww, okay, I KNOW this'll be gross, but...who cares, I drooled on myself. =/ I don't know why, but I drool a lot sometimes while I sleep. Like...if I fall asleep with my mouth open, it just...can't be stopped. Inevitable. FINITO. Yeah, I feel like a real monster, but eh what can ya do. Nothing! It's not curable.
Did you know the treatment for intractable hiccups is thorazine? That was...just about the only thing I learned during my medicine rotation! Yup. And I've been telling everyone that little gem since. Even when they don't care. Which is...most of the time. (OMGGGGGGGGGG THE COMMERCIAL AGAIN GAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!)...ahem, anywho. Yeah. MAN, intractable hiccups? I can't stand it when I get reg'lar ol' hiccups. Really, it gets me so upset. I can't imagine...not being able to stop. The patient that had it who's case I learned this little gem from had like...a kajillion other problems that he was hospitalized frequently for! And on top of that, INTRACTABLE HICCUPS? Oh my God. How awful. Don't give that guy a gun, cowboy. He'll...he'll do it.
OKAAAY it's 10 PM and I don't know where my children are and thus I shall go on an endless completely fruitless search (cuz they not REAL) for them now, TOOODLEOOO!!!