Happy 4th of July yaaaaayyyy!

Jul 04, 2010 23:05

Even though I kept forgetting throughout the day that it WAS indeed July 4th. Actually, why do people wish others a happy 4th of July? What happened to Independence Day? HUH? The REAL kind, as depicted in that photograph? GOSH! How easily people forget. Sickens me. And happy 4th of July just sounds stupid! I could say that about anything!
Me: "Oh Happy 31st of April, sir!"
Sir: "Uhhh...that's not a real."
Me: "...YOU'RE not real." *kicks him in the shins and skips off to spread the word*

See? Do you SEE the consequences of such words? Good. PUNK. *extra kick*

Angel has been barking all day on and off because of the random fireworks being...fired...illegally...in Patio. I mean, July 4th is when it happens MORE, but it does occur throughout the year! But yeah, she goin' craaaaaazy! And then Gizmo, being the little man-woman puppy that he is, he starts whining and wants to climb on my lap because he's scared and I ignore him because he needs to grow a pair. Plain and simple. PLAIN. AND. SIMPLE. So yeah, anywho, Angel just got on my bed to go to sleep and still, obviously, the night is young and so the illegal fireworks are still going! So I told her not to bark/howl here and that if she does, I would cut her up. She's sleeping quietly and peacefully now. :)

...nonono she's ALIVE, I swear! I just meant...you know...literally quietly and peacefully. :)...not because she was DEAD from my cutting her up, God, you people are so morbid. *shakes head in disgust*

We went to the Five Corners today. Is that even what it's called?...who cares. Anyway, my mom wanted to go to the little flower shop place. It's so weird, going back there. I mean, I used to go to school there for most of my young life and...I don't know. It's just weird. I've been feeling awfully nostalgic lately too. Like on Facebook, seeing names of people that I've pretty much forgotten, but then I see their names, and I'm like, "OH YEAH!...that guy!" Yeah. I mean, those people probably never even knew ME at all in high school and stuff, but...I knew them. Oh yes. I did. And WOW I sound like a creepazoid. But that's just how I worked! Like I remember people and things about people like random birthdays of random people...and I don't know why. I just do! When they probably have no clue as to who I am! I don't know, I guess I was more an observer back in the day. And still am. I just watch. Quietly. And judge accordingly. LOL Isn't that creepy? Well whatevs. But even more than that, I'm like...completely and utterly flabbergasted when people remember ME. Like people I haven't spoken to or even seen in years, from middle school or even elementary school! Like...I don't know. I think so low of myself, I guess, that I'm just in awe when people even remember I exist. LOL I mean, even when people that I met a few months ago still recognize me, it throws me for a loop! I'm sad, I know. But it's the TROOF.

I had this thing a couple months ago where I'd constantly say over and over again, "Where's the love, y'all? I DON'T KNOW. Where's the troof, y'all? I DON'T KNOW." You know, in the same manner that the Black Eyed Peas do. I think I might've driven Neha to the brink of madness. But just the brink, fortunately! She's come back!...mostly. *cowers*

LOL as I make her out to be the freak that *I* actually am. :P

I think I might have a bit of road rage. I don't know. Actually, though, no, it's not road rage. It's more like...street rage, yeah. And it doesn't come out in my ACTIONS...just my WORDS. I think my mom's seen the most of it, unfortunately, and she probably pegs me for a real weirdo, but ah well...can't please her all the time. Like today, I'm backing out to leave that flower shop and I see that another car is turning into the parking lot, so I wait. And wait. Because *she* thought it would be smart to just stop the car right behind me. But I was like, "No okay just wait..." and a lady was getting out of the passenger side. So I thought, "Oh okay she's just letting her out, then she'll move."........she didn't move. No, in fact, she turned her EFFING CAR OFF AND PARKED RIGHT THERE. Like WTF LADY?!?! Are my backup lights not on? Oh no, maybe it's the sun reflecting off my backlights, giving the impression that-NO!!! UGH, so yeah, then I go on my rant, "OH good job, douchebag, great place to park while I'm trying to back out." And all the while, my mom just sits there in silence. LOLLLLL I feel so horrible. Like I said, I don't take it out through my actions, but...I just can't help it. I need to say those things. To vent. To no one.

Speaking of douchebag, a couple weeks ago, I called Raja that. Naturally. As I oft do. And my mom was like, "What is the meaning of douchebag?" And we were like, "...uhhhhh don't wanna tell you." LOL When I asked why, she was like, "OH you know at work, they all use that word and I just want to know the meaning of that." And I was like, "Who, your patients?" And she was like, "NO the staff!!!" LOL I just assumed it was her patients because they say...all sorts of wonderul things! That she's asked me about in the past, oh God. ANYWHO, so we tried to explain to her what a douchebag was. Then, a few nights later, we were watching Alice in Wonderland and saw Hamish and Raja was like, "See THAT'S a douchebag." (If you've seen the movie, you'll *completely* understand. LMAO what a tool.) And so yeah, now I use it very freely around her. Then, YESTERDAY, to set up a bit - my dad was supposed to do a 32 hour call starting midnight last night until 8:30 tomorrow morning. That was the plan. But 8:30 YESTERDAY morning, he gets a call, as he often does, thanks to his tool-y coworkers, saying that the doctor who was supposed to be oncall yesterday didn't even show up. So he had to come in and cover. So I was obviously mad because a lot of their coworkers do that ALL the time and my parents are the ones who get shafted because they're actually nice people. So I was like, "See maa, Dr. So-and-So - HE'S a douchebag!" And she was like, "Oh Rini, don't say that!" And laughing, I was like, "Why?" And she said, "Because! I asked my staff the other day what 'douchebag' meant, and they said, 'Oh my God, doctor! Where did you learn that word? Now YOU'RE saying things like that too?'" and she told him "Well you people use it all the time, so I just wanted to know!" And he was apparently like, "Oh it's a very bad word with a bad meaning." And so now...I have to limit my usage of douchebag. Because she thinks that it's a worse word than it actually is. Wait wait wait actually, let's settle this ONCE AND FOR ALL.

Well according to the extremely reliable Urban Dictionary......it has many meanings! I like the first one though, that's kind of along the lines of how I see it. And the corresponding picture. LMAO. Even though...the irony of that...yes. As long as no one's really using it in the literal sense. *shudders* except the French. They can. Because they're just the silly French. :P

Wow, the fireworks have momentarily ceased! AND HA as I was typing that, I heard a tiny little firecracker go off. Effers. LOL!! Whatevs, as long as Angel doesn't hear. That would be the end of the world as we knew it.

So yeah, it's kind of ummmmmmmmmmm stupid how I don't even know what time I should go in on Tuesday. I emailed the office manager on Thursday asking about some details about the rotation. No response. Okay, so let me call before the holiday weekend! So I called on Friday. "OH she's not in today." Great. Wonderful. FANTASTIC!! But that lady did try to help and said she'd try and get in touch with her. Whatevs. Tomorrow's Monday. I bet the office is closed tomorrow to. So...free-for-all on Tuesday! Seriously, I should just show up at like 1:30 and then stare at them and in the most serious manner, be like, "Hold your applause for I have arrived!" and bow accordingly. And get stared at in disbelief. I like getting that reaction out of people. Now, if I could only do that in REAL life...but seriously, what is this. I bet they don't even know that I'm doing a rotation there. Even though I kind of thought I finalized all that in May. When they even asked, "Will you need housing?" First off - you have HOUSING somewhere? That's just creepy. Considering I'm going to work at a private family practice office. And not...you know...a hospital. Where's the housing, the JANITOR'S CLOSET? Probably. I'd have a new roommate for the month, then! LOL! And be reunited with my first love, mah Broomy. :) GAAAAAAAAAAAH PEOPLE JUST BLAH.

Okay, I just happened across something that has made me internally squeal like a little schoolboy. Much needed internal squealing. :) Eeee!

Okay, now I'm over that and back to my ANGRY WAYS.

Wow, he big. As Ralph Wiggum once said, "I'm happy =) AND angry!! >=O" He's a funny made up yellow little boy.

I think I'mma actually watch some Simpsons on my little TV. Oh how I've missed thee!...(since I have to keep this rhyming...)...teehee!
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