No spankings this week for me. I'm on time, and on my best behaviour (relative to the PMR standard of behaviour though). I actually wanted to share a funny link this week that I got sent -
Straw Feminists - a hilarious take on the
Straw Man argument technique. The comic is a hilarious depiction of the notion that all feminists are ball breaking
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Sookie is doing extremely well under the circumstances. She is hearing everything people is saying - which is a lot of BS, probably - and yet functioning. She is dealing with monsters and yet surviving. She is poor, lonely and has (or at least, had) crappy friends and yet she is nice to other people.
What more could anyone expect? IMO she`s Super-Sookie already.
Lol - at this rate, I'll post once a year. :D
I don't think people with disabilities always feel like the disability is foremost. But there are times when they need consideration from the rest of us, and that means that when we ignore those disabilities, they just don't get it.
I agree with you that Sookie (and you) have been shaped by experiences - and if the telepathy disappeared tomorrow, she wouldn't know what to do with herself. She wouldn't instantly become Suzy Homemaker, that's for sure.
I also think that at the heart of your argument about it being indivisible from the person, there's really the kernel of truth - that we should accept people as they are - the good parts and the bad parts. It's unfortunate that Sookie usually isn't *allowed* to have bad parts. Everyone wants to erase them.
Oh yes - the straw feminist drives me around the bend.
I think in cases like that, they haven't extrapolated it out to see what other minorities think about things. It's just thoughtless stuff.
Lol - yep - pretty much.
I don't debate these guys - they positively scare me. I wouldn't like to meet them in real life. But at their hearts, they're pretty fucking stupid.
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