No spankings this week for me. I'm on time, and on my best behaviour (relative to the PMR standard of behaviour though). I actually wanted to share a funny link this week that I got sent -
Straw Feminists - a hilarious take on the
Straw Man argument technique. The comic is a hilarious depiction of the notion that all feminists are ball breaking
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Makes me think of the gay couple I once lived with back in the 80s. The younger guy was SO angry with all the prejudice. "We`re just like everyone else," he kept saying and he was correct too. But later that evening he managed to say "Black people are SO lazy" and I figured he hadn`t learned a bit about discrimination even if he`d experienced it first-hand.
Sure, people don`t want to hear about disabilities and they certainly don`t want to know that it could happen to them. Bad luck only happens to bad people - didn`t ya know? :-P
I had to get out of online political debates because I always ended up in debates where a lot of anti-feminists were spewing out their prejudisms and it pissed me off so much I couldn`t read it anymore.
I think in cases like that, they haven't extrapolated it out to see what other minorities think about things. It's just thoughtless stuff.
Lol - yep - pretty much.
I don't debate these guys - they positively scare me. I wouldn't like to meet them in real life. But at their hearts, they're pretty fucking stupid.
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