Dec 10, 2003 10:08
Let me tell you the story of the DAY FROM HELL!!
Well, yesterday was all a perfectly normal day until I got into the worst fight of my relationship so far. I'm not even going to go into details. We've mutually forgiven, but it still makes me pissy and grumpy every time I think of it. ::thinks- KILLKILLKILL:: Ahem.
So I was in a BAD mood as I walked into my biochem lab. What ensued made me much grumpier. There was some downtime while we were incubating our microplates (if you're really curious, I'll explain later). So we started scrolling through the course listing. Keep in mind, one of my hypothetical career goals is in holistic medicine, I'm a feminist, I'm part of the Res Life staff, and I am dear friends with many of the Gay Pride folks, and like to participate in their meetings. For non-marlboroians, SLAs are Student Life Advisors. They're the RAs RAs . . . they respond to EVERYTHING, are on duty 24/7, have a high level of medical training, can counsel to a certain extent as well, and wield lots of authority and lots of keys, and both of them are very dear to my heart. Jodi is my fencing instructor, and Timalyne's house is where I go for hot chocolate and playing with her daughter, Phoebe (and chatting with her husband, Paul).
Evil One: Whoa, what's this, a course listing for alternative medicine? ::rude noise:: That's such a load of crappy pseudo-science. That shouldn't even be in the course listing.
Me: Um, actually, that course is about finding the scientific basis for different modalities of alternative healing, and I plan to take it.
Evil One: What's wrong with Western Medicine? Besides, healing with herbs is just a bunch of hooey.
Me: Um, then why does Aspirin work? Or Quinine? Or Digitalis? Or . . .
Evil One: ::has looked farther down in the course listings:: Oh, wow, they're offering FEMINISM? That's so stupid. What're they going to do, teach Whining 101? They all just need to get over it.
Me: Look, I'm in a really bad mood right now . . . please shut up or I might just stomp on your instep.
Evil One: ::laughs:: Ooooh, trying to be tough? Are you a FEMINIST? Oooohhh . . .
Me: ARGH! Your ignorance amazes me . . .
(squabble ensues)
Later . . .
Evil One: You know what I don't get? The SLAs. They're so useless.
Me: WHAT??
Evil One: Yeah. What do they do, anyway? I've never seen one do anything!
Me: ARGH! They do everything! They respond to anything the RAs can't handle, which is a lot- any extreme medical condition, any phychological stuff, plus all the fire alarms, boilers going out, a lot of maintenance, general support, community programming . . .
Evil One: Yeah, but that's like what, twice a semester?
Me: Try twice a WEEK! Plus, they're on duty 24/7!
Evil One: But they get free housing and free food AND we pay them, plus there's that worthless guy Paul and Phoebe and Jen (side note- Jenn is Jodi's wife and a wonderful person) . . . they're all just leeches on the college.
Me: AAAHHHH!!! Do you even KNOW them?
Evil One: Well, that Paul always bums cigarettes off of me . . .
Me: So he and Phoebeand Jenn are all just leeches on the college.
Evil One: Yes! What good do they do?
Me: Look, we encourage people with families and outside lives to become SLAs, so they have a richer background of experience to share with us . . . them having families really contributes to the college community.
Evil One: But this is college . . . we worry too much about community.
Me: ::thinking- if you don't want community, why are you HERE:: AAARRGGHHH!!
Evil One: Besides, there's way too much of a Gay Agenda here.
Me: Dear lord. You just used the phrase "gay agenda"
Evil One: Yeah. I mean, look at all the dances. They're all gay themed. Jodi's out to impose her gay agenda on us.
Me: That's because Gay Pride is the only group that cares enough to PLAN dances! Besides, Jodi didn't even PLAN this year's Queer Homecoming. Everybody liked it so much last year, they just wanted to do it again! If you don't like it, go to the Social Committe and throw your OWN dance party!
Evil One: No, I just don't care that much. You're so PC.
Me: sigh . . .