I am around, and reading, but just... not posting. Dunno why - I just don't feel capable of interesting comment.
Dress Down (But Not Too Much Just In Case Clients Come In) Day For [Charity] yesterday at work. Fun, actually - cakes and balloons and raffles and such. Quaint. Like a school fête. For the raffle, my manager decided that, instead of
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Comments 7
I have nothing to say except *GLOMP*
(OMG packing!)
*GLOMPs you back*
I don't think my technical skillz are going to be beyond scarves for a while. But after doing an inch or so of stocking stitch, I was getting tempted - "Ooh, yes, this curls up, I remember my mum knitting stuff like this, and she sewed it together into cardigans and stuff..."
Anyway, you can now do everything there is in knitting - it's all combinations of knit and purl. The world is your knitted oyster! I recommend socks - small and quick, and beautiful wool, and much easier than you might expect...
To Dr. Horrible: YES and OUCH and GAH!
*flails at Dr. Horrible*
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