I am around, and reading, but just... not posting. Dunno why - I just don't feel capable of interesting comment.
Dress Down (But Not Too Much Just In Case Clients Come In) Day For [Charity] yesterday at work. Fun, actually - cakes and balloons and raffles and such. Quaint. Like a school fête. For the raffle, my manager decided that, instead of selling one raffle ticket for £1, it’d be five for £1. I tried to explain how they were failing at logic, but to no avail. So, of course, they ran out of raffle tickets, and had to go buy more. Ah well.
I went to a craft evening the other day, and learned to purl (I could only do plain, before), and I went home, and - completely involuntarily - went on the Net and bought knitting needles and wool (made from bamboo!). It was like my fingers had a life of their own, and they'd decided they liked knitting, dammit, and wanted to do more of it. Nooooooooooooooooo! But this bamboo wool is gorgeous, and now I’m attempting a present for my great aunt, and I thought I'd try ribbing, only it looks like I've managed to do moss stitch instead, and omg I've learnt some knitting terms! Also, this may have inspired me to finally get around to sorting out a dress I bought from a charity shop a while back. It’s silvery, shot with purple, and I made a purple net underskirt to go with it, ages back - now just need to adjust the dress so it fits properly.
Some typical Joss Whedon themes there - redheads, superheroes / villains in real life, popular technology, death of a loved one being the trigger for someone going Big Bad... I really hope we see more of it. It had kind of a comic book feel to it - not just the superhero thing, but the brevity, and the large amount of story packed into small infobursts. I need for them to hurry up and release it on iTunes in the UK, though, or on DVD, because my broadband kept cutting out due to the limits of my package. I can watch it on YouTube, but it's not the same. Plus, you know, support the artists.
I've bought several films recently. Spaceballs (with the Dinks commentary), Aliens, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, X-Men 3, The Importance of Being Earnest, Terminator, Hero, Spider-Man 3, Jarhead, and The Iron Giant. I don't know why, but I'm in a film mood. A bought Kung Fu Hustle and Rocky Horror Picture Show (including Shock Treatment). Perhaps I should invite people for films (and possibly knitting) night...
And I've booked a punt for A's birthday on Tuesday. Apparently the trick is not to hang on to the pole, if it all goes wrong....