Title: Roy the Rather Silly Gardener
peppamintyRating: G
Warnings: Only that my fail attempt at art might blind you, so beware.
Notes: For
an_ardent_rain's Big Bang, which as of yet is untitled. I'll post a link as soon as I get one. Roy was supposed to have dirt streaked across his forehead, but his hair kind of ate it. And then my slightly largeish black marker made his hair look chunky. Also, OH GOD WHAT ARE ATTRACTIVE BACKGROUNDS? I KNOW NOT.
She had seen him before, but they had never really spoken. "Hello," she said.
The boy looked up, wiping the sweat off his forehead with the back of his hand. His gloves had dirt on them and he left a large streak of dirt in an arc over his eyebrows. Riza chuckled.
Title: Riza Haircut
peppamintyRating: PG-13, maybe?
Warnings: Mild nudity, though nothing really exciting is showing.
Notes: For
an_ardent_rain's Big Bang, which as of yet is untitled. I'll post a link as soon as I get one. This was originally going to have Riza's reflection in it, as well, but I botched the angle and lighting, so I left it out.
She untied her long hair and let if fall down around her shoulders. It was unkempt, unwashed - the feature she had once been most proud of left ragged and worn. She sighed and picked up the scissors. She kept her hands steady, though they wanted to shake.
The first cut was the most difficult, seeing that long lock of blonde flutter lifelessly to the floor. Riza took a deep breath and went on. Each snip got a little easier to take, and though it still pained her to see her hair fall, she felt better and better about the decision. She felt freer. Unfettered.