heller. yall

Apr 08, 2006 14:37


So, dad and I are going out driving looking at my car..aww, its so pretty sittin up there in that parking lot, I wish we had cash to buy it right now...RIGHT NOW.I can see me now "Hey folks, do yall take monopoly money".I just want my car.But I dont wanna put up with him more than 3 seconds to get it.Oh well, it happens.Gotta do what you gotta do.I guess.I didnt wake up today til like 2, then I just threw some clothes on and some velocity lotion, and threw my hair up, and here we go, they are gonna be thinking that we need like a 1987 pinto instead of my bad ass eclipse.Stevie says he can drive a standard and will show me how. I can so see this right now. Get whu and he will kill the motor adn there we are, a stevie and a susan who cant drive lmao.I love that kid though.I just cant wait to get my liscense to drive down here to see my lil cousins baseball,basketball and everything games.I just love those boys, so much.ANd I miss them too. :'(. lol.

haha, I had to get back online, just to add this part, OMG!!! I had the weirdest dream ever...haha ok so I dreamed that EJ Ruiz was having a party..and all of his friends and stuff was there, minus well, shawn, but anywho, I dreamed that he cheated on Libby with me...and like her sister and all the emo kids wanted to beat me up..and then, it was just me and him and 2 little kids who were clearly not...puerto rican, lol, and his parents were there..and then he was like talking to his paretns who were cooking dinner and his mom was from cuba and his dad looked like mario of that one little video game thingy lol, and I havent even thought about that kid til I reversed and then floored it..so what brought that dream on.Im still lmao.lol.yea just thought u should know that.

I think Im gonna go drive with my dad now.Lord give me strength...With all my problems here is how I feel, even if it isnt alright, its still gonna be ok.Even if Im not happy, I can pretend like I am.Yeap.There we go.!

I love you all more than you all know....

read the comment I left you, and please dont be mad at me.I pretty much meant all that. :)
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