"The Radiator Burped," a humorous horror story about things that go "bump" in your apartment, is now out in the _A Big Book of Strange, Weird, and Wonderful_ anthology.
Eric chewed on his pencil as he re-wrote his ad. GPM seeks N/S housemate(s) for spacious two-bedroom . . . but he didn't want a pair of newlyweds. If he wanted cooing doves, he could have gotten them from his second-to-last boyfriend, the pet store owner.
None of the respondents to his last ad had seemed quite right . . . in the head.
"Hi! This is Eric. Please leave a message after the beep."
"Beep. I have two cats, a ferret, and a bunny-rabbit. Is that okay if I putdown an extra deposit? The place sounds fine and so do you. You know, if you're lucky I might even bring a hamster."
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