The elephants were pink, that day. She had to explain to her son why the signs saying that detox was free were funny, but that's why you went to the artzoo. You went because it made you explain things and discuss things that otherwise might not come up. He didn't ask why the ostrich had a balloon tutu, which is just as well, since she had no idea either, and the sign by the pen just said, "Because." It was fantastic, being able to walk through the petting section and touch things that one usually only saw through the augfilter on a phone (or goggles, if you were a glitch like that, but she didn't allow goggles out of the house or during dinner time). The tanuki made them both giggle, as the raccoon with giant balls sunned himself with a smug look upon his face, while he plucked grapes.
Inspiration: A BoingBoing link to a Bruce Sterling article about the New Aesthetic: Story Potential: Medium. This is just a bit of setting, not a story. Mind you, this is a zoo that *I'd* love to visit.
Notes: Conclusion: Boingboing makes decent story seed fertilizer.