May 02, 2006 12:39
1) What is the worst ever date you have been on, and explain why it was so bad?
That would have to be, hmmm... So many to choose from. We'll go with worst first date. That would be some guy who asked my mate for my number, I had no idea who he was but he'd taken a fancy to me in a club somewhere. Anyways, we started texting and I eventually agreed to meet him for a drink. WHen I turned up I found he was a total bimbo. Young, good looking and trendy. And boy did he know it. He tried chatting me up with lines like I have a sports car and ho wmuch he enjoyed working out at the gym. It was SO awful, I'd rather have teeth pulled than try to find common ground. But I persevered and eventually we parted company, pointedly stating we'd not do it again. Needless to say he became my own little stalker for a few months months after that. Oh what fun!
2) If you could visit one time and place out of history, where and when would you pick, and why did you pick these.
I have no idea? Errr.. I suppose I'd like to be behind the grassy knowle (However it's spelt) at JFKs assassination. And why? Cos then I'd know and be able to gloat ;o)
3) Why did you decided to get the rountrees tree logo tattooed onto your back?
It's not the jelly logo! Apparently it's the timberland logo! I picked it cos I liked it. It spoke to me of strength, the tree of life, the tree of knowledge, the circle of days, of nature. It just touched a chord inside me and I just knew that was what I had to have. All I'm trying to do know is work out how to tattoo other things around it ;o) So ;op
4) What is your worst and best features.
Worst? Hmmm... If I had to fix one thign with plasitc surgery it would be. My wonky nose, cos I know it's just gonna get worse and I will end up looking like an old hag!
Best? My eyes. I can only go by what random strangers say to me, but usually I get complimented on just how amazing my eyes are.
5) If your life was turned into a movie, who would play me and why?
Aha! Tempting.... Hmmm... If my life was turned into a movie I would get you to play you. Cos no doubt it would be such a low budget production you'd be all I could afford. If we're talking hollywood then I suppose it'd be... Steve Buscemi cos he's really good at playing the creepy guys ;op Joking! It's have to be rickman cos I refuse to accept that he could not portray anyone he set his mind to!
Here's how to get me to interview you:
First leave me a comment saying, "Interview me" or similar.
Secondly I will respond by asking you five questions of a varyingly intimate and/or creepily personal nature.
Then you WILL update your LJ with the answers to the questions.
Next you will include this (or similar) explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the post.
Finally, when others comment asking to be interviewed, you too will ask them five questions.