Happy 2010, everyone! I am...three hours late for my own timezone and four for the one I'm currently in, but I'm sure no one minds. I probably should have done this in 2009, but I've got to get all the garbage of the past year off my chest and I may as well do it now.
I never make New Year's resolutions, but I think I could use some this time around. I'm probably Doing It Wrong, but I HEREBY RESOLVE TO:
-Do my homework. All of it. Before the deadline.
-Corollary: Feel smart again.
-Be more proactive in getting the things I want: a job, a transfer, a trip abroad.
-Work out. Not feel like a fat weakling while doing so.
-Write more. Draw more. Play more music. Relearn why it is that I love these things.
-Corollary: FINISH SOME GODDAMN FIC like that Santa thing that is dragging me through the mud and kicking my ass right now.
-Speak a lot of Spanish, speak Russian when I can, and start Hungarian properly.
-Kick this decade's sorry size-zero ass. (Fitting into zeros again would be nice. See above.)
for you:
2009 was a pretty shitty year. It does no one any good to dwell, but I think I can say that (and even get a fair amount of agreement.)
But when I look back on last year (!!!) I'm going to remember the people who made it bearable, and sometimes even downright enjoyable. I met so many wonderful people this year, and so many others have stuck by me for years already, even at my paralyzed self-pitying worst. You guys made 2009 cool.
So thank you. Let's decade. ♥