(no subject)

Mar 11, 2015 18:08

If you asked for a postcard on the previous post, would you please comment with some fandoms? I've kind of burned out on drawing animals. As always, no guarantees I will match your prompt. :P

Also, anyone who requests a postcard from now on, I can't promise to get to you, but you are welcome to add your name to the list. My productivity is very unpredictable.

ETA: it doesn't have to be current hot fandoms or a fandom at all. Just some things you like would be cool. I am terrible with wide open requests I am realizing. (FYI, I am generally allergic to major slash pairings... except Dean/Cas for some reason.)

P.S. if you already gave me fandoms, I probably already drew you a postcard. And thanks for being excited and interested in getting something I doodled. It gets me drawing more than I ever would otherwise. :)

This entry was originally posted at http://pentapus.dreamwidth.org/71623.html. Please comment there using OpenID. (


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