So I saw a volcanic eruption last night

Dec 27, 2013 15:07

Which is, I guess, my way of asking if anyone would like a postcard from Hawaii?

I've only got two more days, but I should be able to get to everyone who comments today (insert flashback to Iceland where I finished the last one while listening to last call announcements for my flight and ended up doing a crazy search for a post box before sprinting for a gate. Look, I have a postcard problem; I've come to accept it.)

Also, I've totally given up on any fandom content for postcards. They are all science and weird stories all the way.

If you'd like one, please comment with your address or you can tell me if the last one I had for you (if you got one form Iceland) is still correct. (I just set all comments to screened, so you're good.)

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addresses, postcards

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