SGA/HL art: John and Methos

Jul 15, 2008 18:27

Sadly, the new guy, he's a bit clumsy. For lillian13's prompt.

If it's not snarktastic enough, remember, he's in character. This is ironic. META-SNARK.

(Further notes: I see Methos having zero interest in Sheppard. Practically speaking, it'd be stupidly dangerous to hang around him, and furthermore, to a 5000 year old man, he's a bit clichéd. The same with Rodney really. All of the emotional flaws we find endearing would run out Methos' patience in about 2 seconds flat. Now Zelenka, Zelenka I seeing being a big hit on the Methos companion front. But anyway, you should look at this scene in the context of compete strangers on one of those uneventful anthropologist escorting missions. :D)

art hl, prompt, art sga, art, sga, hl, art cute, art bw, art john

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