SGA art: Keller, the dress

Jul 15, 2008 21:06

As seen here.

In case you need there to be a reason: First, this really works best in year one. Step one: Aliens Make John Wear Drag. Step two: Aliens Make John Keep the Dress.

So it comes back from the mission, it's this mark of embarrassment, but THEN, because the whole expedition has become a whole lot more pragmatic since the wormhole closed on Earth, some lady says, "Oh, that's my SIZE." And lo, it becomes THE date dress. It would just be normal that you'd be wearing it, and people would see you and instead of thinking you're weird, they'd just think, "Oh ho! Good luck, Kate!" and wolf whistle. And it would be AWESOME and HILARIOUS and at some point I'd become convinced I was in a ltlj fic.

Even better if there's some kind of fashion that grows out of it--or even just the habit of swapping formal wear--that gets a term that clearly comes from it being Johns dress originally. Something like the way high waist = "princess waist".

siegeofangels: AHAHA. Yes. "So while I was on Earth I bought the cutest blue Sheppard dress!"
pentapus: YES.
siegeofangels: "Hey, can I Sheppard a pair of dress shoes off you?"

The end.

prompt, art cute, art color, art sga, art

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