Sigils And Swords (When you light a Candle, you cast a Shadow.)

Dec 02, 2011 21:39

Disclaimer: Sigils And Swords belongs to Anna. Supernatural and all related characters belong to Eric Kripke.

When God created Light, Darkness was born, and thus the first antonym was brought into the world.

God took little shards of Light and with them he created Angels. The Angels were placed as sentinels at the corners of the world, their eyes always open and watchful. When God saw the impurity of Sodom and Gomorrah it was through the eyes of the Angels. As Noah build his Ark, with blistering hands, Angels were watching his progress and reporting back to God. And when Joseph and Mary made their way from Nazareth to Bethlehem after Gabriel had told Mary she was pregnant, Angels followed their path and eased their way.

But when God first created Adam, with all his imperfections and flaws, Lucifer, The Light Bearer, The Morning Star, the first and brightest amongst God’s Angels, had been cast into the darkest pits of existence for refusing to bow before Man, and to spite God he took tiny shards of Darkness and used them to twist the souls of the sinners that came to him in Hell. And from the Hellfires the Demons rose, death and decay in their wake.

With Sigils and Swords the Host of Heaven, the Angels of the Lord fought the vast armies of Hell. Light against Darkness in an eternal war that would never end. Because there cannot be Light without Darkness.

Chapter One. Master Post.

balthazar, angels, rachel, castiel, dean, michael, story, sigils and swords, claire, supernatural, spn, fic

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