In your own space, celebrate a personal win from the past year: it can be a list of fanworks you're especially proud of, a gift of your time to the community, a quality or skill you cultivated in yourself, something you generally feel went well.
Um. It wasn't a good year, last year, and for one reason and another I slid mentally slough-wards for quite a lot of it. So finding something to celebrate is quite hard. Here goes.
I became Chair of my mixed barbershop chorus, and got us up and running again once we were able to meet outdoors.
I entered Yuletide for the first time, and won! Received a lovely fic and wrote one that was well-received. In another fic first, I wrote two stories in fandoms I'd never written before-one was my Yuletide story (Lord Peter Wimsey) and the other was a Mad Men story.
And because I have a feeling these things should be celebrated in threes, I also knitted a rather lovely grey and lavender shawl last year (actually finished it in February). It's
here, but you may need a Ravelry account to see it.
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