slip a sable under the tree for me

Jan 16, 2022 16:19

I don't read Captain Awkward nearly as often these days now there are no comments to the stories, but I had a look through and oh my, I like this page. The absent questions hang horribly in the air like a gamekeeper's rotting gibbet, and the answers are very sound.


It was Sable's official birthday yesterday. She is.... FIVE! She celebrated with a few morsels of salmon, and sat on my lap in the evening as I knitted.

She was unimpressed on Friday-the day when, hurrah, the drillers departed at last, leaving the back garden brown but flat. Because it was also the day when the plumbers arrived to take stock of the job of replacing the radiators, and indeed embarked upon it, with much noisy drilling and movings of furniture. They made a good start, which is a relief. I *really* hope the plumbing stage won't overrun the way the drilling did.

We also had the scaffolding put up yesterday along the northern wall of the house, so that insulating cladding can be applied, um, soon.

It's quite a relief to have things be happening with reasonable speed! This entry was also posted at Please comment at Dreamwidth if you can-you don't need an account.
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