Snowflake Challenge #5

Jan 12, 2022 10:06

Was it yesterday or the day before that I woke up happy, due to the news on Radio 4 announcing that the Gove creature was stuck in the BBC lift? Heh.

The drilling crew are *still* here, but have at last drilled and filled all the holes, and are now doing the trenches to take the pipes from the holes to the house. My back garden looks like a battleground, but at least there is only one machine there now, the digger. It will all be over.... soon....

I note that Snowflake Challenge #5 was In your own space, talk about an idea you wish you had the time / talent / energy to do.

Well. I want a crossover between The Administration and Dante's Cove. I thought about it, after that Camp Sparkle we spent in Brighton, when we watched a disturbing amount of Dante's Cove. Warrick is of course visiting the place in order to discuss installing a sim unit in the local inexplicable red room of sex. There have been complaints from the neighbours. Toreth considers this a grand idea-work for Warrick, sex holiday for Toreth. He sees the parade of man candy and is charmed, noticing with mild surprise that his shirts buttons are already undone. I dare say there would be a number of mostly-gratuitous sex scenes, and then Warrick-who is mostly immune to the shirt-opening effect-is seen in the hot tub with... somebody. Toreth is not pleased.

And so forth.

And if anybody would care to write such a story, I will read it with delight!

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