Snowflake Challenge #4

Jan 07, 2022 22:48

Challenge #4

In your own space, make a list of things that you wish existed in fandom or elsewhere, and/or that you'd like someone to create or do for you.

I'm not keen on this kind of challenge. The most obvious thing to ask for is feedback on my stories here on AO3 or chronologically on my website, but most of the people interested have already given me feedback, and the world is too full of fanfic-of-interest for many fans to have time to read a story about people they just aren't fans *of*. I'd quite like the world-or at least, the Archive-to contain more Lance Bass/Adam Lambert stories that I did not write. I feel it should. This is a pairing of JOY, people! But the time for that, too, has passed. Besides, with the abundance of challenges and gift fic exchanges and suchlike, fans are *busy*. With stuff they actually want to read and write. So it always seems a bit pathetic. I don't particularly like being pathetic.

Overall, I don't think there is very much I could ask for that I could reasonably expect to get. I don't know whether saying that is a sign that I'm not doing very well, or that I'm being realistic. I think, the latter, but I'm not absolutely sure. But I am fortunate enough to have so much in my life that so many people don't have, for one reason or another, that asking for trivialities makes me uncomfortable.

I just thought of something else-a revival of
metafandom. This entry was also posted at Please comment at Dreamwidth if you can-you don't need an account.

#4in, snowflake challenge

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