I'm pretty much all about livejournal tonight...

Feb 12, 2006 22:57

80+ Random Questions I Guaranteed You've Never Answered

[[Before The Media]]

Do you watch the Gilmore Girls? I did in high school, but I never really watch TV anymore.

Do you listen to Christian rock?: Can't say I do...

Have you ever seen or enjoyed watching the O.C.?: Ok first season rocked my world, second was ok, third season is basically shit and it's on at 9 on Thursday so it interferes with my dranking sched.

Do you have one or more Britney Spears C.D.?: I'm a Britney fan, I won't deny it.

Do you regularly watch the news?: No, I don't really see the point, it only makes me depressed.

Which radio stations are your favorites?: ZLX, Oldies, WROR, FNX, a little Jammin, a little KISS every now and then. oh yeah and MIX.

Are you a Lost fanatic?: No but my whole family is obsessed and it's literally all they talk about at dinner.

[[Be honest]]

Do you have a song by Ozzy Osbourne in your library? I think I prob have Crazy Train.

Queen?: Oh hell yes.

Alanis Morissette?: Yup...90s guy.

Do you watch Family Guy regularly?: I find that show SO much funnier when I'm hammered.

The Simpsons?: I dabble.

King of the Hill?: Absolutely not, I'd rather stare at a wall than watch that shit.

[[Admit it]]

Do you read trashy romance novels often?: Never.

Do you really work out every day?: HA....NOPE.

Have you ever eaten chocolate in bed?: Yes...I love chocolate, I love my bed, it works out.

Have you ever eaten an entire pint, or more, ice cream by yourself? Nah.

Have you ever spent an entire day in bed without being sick?: Almost, I am in fact a huge waste of space.

Have you ever eaten nothing but junk food for a week straight?: No.

Do you shower every morning?: Yup.

Have you ever gone to school/work only 15 minutes after waking up?: On Friday I woke up at 9:15 when I had a 9:30....that's usual activity for me on Friday.

Do you ever forget to give an xmas present & instead keep it for yourself?: Haha yes.

Do you sing obnoxiously in the car when you're driving alone?: That's the best part of driving.

Do you sing obnoxiously in the shower when no one's home?: Yes, I wish I could sing in the shower at school but it would def scare people.

Do you go nights without brushing your teeth? Typically no, but there have been drunken nights where I have passed the fuck out without brushing.

Have you ever watched a little kid's show when you were over 12? Pretty much all the time, I have the maturity level of a 12 year old.

Have you ever looked forward to go to school?: Class...not so much. Only if there's like a hot guy in it.

[[The Necessary Love Questions That Aren't So Necessary]]

Have you ever pretended your crush was with you when they really werent?: I'm not that delusional.

Did you draw for your first crush back in elementary school/preschool?: No I pretty much just admired him from afar because I was shy back then.

Have u ever liked a girl/guy but didnt ask her out b/c you were afraid?: I don't ask guys out.

Have you ever written a poem/story about your lovelife? What lovelife?

An autobiography?: What about it....?

Have u ever listened to a song repeatedly just because it reminded you of your crush?: I have...I get obsessed with songs...and boys. HA I'm cool.

Have you ever spent over an hour thinking about nothing but your crush?: I AM A LOSER let's just eave it at that.

Do you reread meaningless AIM convos just because theyre with your crush?: Not since I was like 14.

[[The Questions You Love: Completely and Utterly Pointless Ones]]

Do you eat all the servings in the food groups on a daily basis?: No I basically just eat cheese and junk food...and gatorade.

Are you ever a freak about cleanliness or organization?: Randomly, I will just want to clean.

Have you ever been treated for OCD? No but I'm fairly certain I have a raging case of OCD.

Do you own a graphing calculator?: I can't find it, but I have one somewhere. I fucking LOVE to graph.

Have you ever been to South America or Africa? If you're from Africa, then why are you white?

Have you ever owned a Klutz book or kit?: Not sure what that means...

Do you know how to knit?: No, I WISH.

Do you have a cellphone or iPod with a patterened cover? Nah.

Have you ever written song lyrics yourself and put them in your profile?: Hahaha...no I don't write lyrics and if I did I wouldn't let the whole world know them.

Do you keep a diary or journal (online or on paper)?: What does this look like playa?

Did you ever want to be an astronaut or a teacher when you were a kid?: Never wanted to be an astronaut, really what's the point? But I wanted to be a teacher until I realized they make shit for money.

Do you own a striped sweater?: Yeah, I love stripes.

How often do you take a bubble bath?: I do not like baths....ew it's like sitting in your own filth.

When you open your closet, what is the dominant color of your clothes?: There's too many diff colors.

[[Truly Unusual This or That Questions]]

Baskin Robbins or Coldstone?: Coldstone.

America or Canada?: Canada has the right idea witht he drinking age of 18...but overall I pick America.

Physics or chemistry?: Yeah...neither.

Glamorous or au naturale?: Au naturale is good most of the time, but sometimes you just wanna look glam.

Earphones or headphones?: Whatever gets the job done.

Chocolate brown or teal? Brown...teal is so 90s.

Earrings or a ring? I pretty much only wear earrings on the weekend.

Commitment or casual dating?: Never been too good at the commitment thingy.

Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings?: I'm not into either, because I'm not a nerd.

Fly or road trip?: Well you can't road trip to like Europe.

Starbucks or Petes?: What the deuce is Petes?

Athletics or academics?: I don't excel at either.

[[Another Wave of Random Questions]]

What is your favorite Disney movie?: The Little Mermaid or Mary Poppins.

Do you have a more classic style or do you stay up-to-date? I just look good playa.

How much jewelry do you own? A normal amount I suppose.

Have you memorized the rejection hotline, just in case?: No, people who use that shit need to get a life.

Have you ever given someone the rejection hotline as your number?: No, first off, I could never remember it. Second, NOBODY asks for my number anyway.

Have you ever eaten at a food court?: Oh hell yes, I could go for some Flamers RIGHT NOW.

Have you ever bought clothes at Sears?: That's where I buy beaters...the little boys section, woop woop.

Do you own any Care Bears memorabilia?: No but I bought my friends Carebears for Christmas. Yeah I am mature.

Do you have a quilt on your bed?: I WISH.

yup....i'm bored.
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