
Sep 24, 2009 12:51

Firstly, watch this.  Then scoop your eyeballs off of the floor and put them back into your skull.

image Click to view

Our circusy friends made the excellent point that, because these acrobats are successfully performing these tricks on a regular basis, it means that what we are seeing is really only the mid-level of what they are able to accomplish on the whole.  Good gravy.

And secondly, here is a lovely article about OM, in the Santa Barbara Independent.  Holy crap!  We open in a week!
Boxtales Theatre Company Premieres Om: An Indian Tale of Good and Evil

I've been spending my free time trolling craigslist for jobs to acquire once I return to the Bay.  Coolest options so far:  a receptionist in a vet's office, a legal assistant, and the creme de la creme: a copy manager for Benefit cosmetics.  I think I would be really good at copy writing, and to do so for a cosmetics label whose aesthetic is kitschy, retro, and totally fun would be right up my... oh, you know.

Love, critters.  Allie out.

job, acro, wonders, writing, theater

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