(no subject)

Jan 19, 2007 21:35

Player Information
LJ Username: inanutshell10
'Hogwarts is Home' House: Ravenclaw
Contact Info (AIM, MSN, email address):
E-Mail: queenohearts11@hotmail.com
AIM: beeskneesxx53

Character Information
Name: Penelope 'Penny' Jennings
LJ Username: penny_jennings
House: Gryffindor
Age: 18
Birthdate: March 14th
Year: 7th

Bloodline: Pureblood
Heritage: Irish
Personal History: As most Purebloods are born and raised like princes and princesses, Penelope was treated the same. The only difference is that she never could find it in herself to subject herself to the pureblood life like her 3 brothers and 2 sisters could.

Penny is the oldest child and daughter of Arthur and Erin. They had each child with 2 years in between each after the other except for after Keegan they waited 3 years, and they had Alastar (5th year Hufflepuff), Biddy (3rd year Gryffindor), Keegan (1st year Ravenclaw), Kieran (8 years old), and Norah (6 years old). All of the children were raised as purebloods but were not raised as followers of Voldemort. The only real pureblood characteristic that they all have is how proper they are. Arthur and Erin inherited hoards of money after both of their parents died (around when Penny and Alastar were born), and figured that since they wanted to fit in with the rest of the pureblooded families, that their children were going to grow up to lead extravagant lives and a life filled with lavish things that were completely unneccasary.

While Penny's younger brothers and sisters bought into what their parents gave them, she just couldn't bring herself to give in that easily. Obviously she liked what they were giving her and wouldn't ever say no to her mother or father, for fear of being beaten because they were strict parents.

As far as sibling rivalry and how well they all get along, Penny gets along best with all her brothers and sisters perfectly well. If there was going to be fight between any of the siblings though, it would be between Penny and Alastar since she's the oldest daughter, yet he's the oldest son. They often fight over who's favored more between their parents. Penny gets along best with her two younger sisters though, because she grew up with them and is close to them.

Arthur and Erin only wanted the best for their children. They paid for them to go to schools around the world when they were children just so that they had manners, and partly so that they didn't have to deal with them. All 6 children went/go to boarding school until they each got/get their letter to Hogwarts. They learned proper manners at these boarding schools and recieved top-notch education. Penny never could take an interest in become a proper lady though, and would have rather goofed off than remember which utensil to use first.

Upon going to Hogwarts and going through all 6 years so far, Penny was fine. Her grades were perfectly acceptable and were always passing, she played quidditch for Gryffindor team, and got along with basically everyone while never letting their blood status or house get in the way. At the start of her seventh year though, her life changed drastically. After spending the whole summer with a muggle boy, Daniel, and falling in love with him, when she returned to school the typical symptoms started. The symptoms of pregnancy, that is. Penny told Daniel as soon as she found out, to which he (quite literally) had a breakdown. He didn't know what to do, with Penny and the child at Hogwarts, just finding out that she's a witch (because she found it imperative to tell him along with the pregnancy), and knowing that he wouldn't even be able to see her until the end of June - which, by then, the child would be born and Penny'd have graduated.

When Penelope told her parents they were somewhat disgusted that this had happened, but they weren't about to remove her from the family tree. She agreed with her mother and father that the child would be born at Hogwarts and stay with Penny until the end of term (which would be all of but weeks after the child is born). Until her due date (June 2nd), Penny isn't allowed to do many things like: climbing (trees, etc.), quidditch (unless accompanied by another on the broom), and anything else that might harm the her (causing her to harm the baby) or anything that could directly harm the baby.

Every heard of a free spirit? They must have been talking about Penny. Penny's the typical free spirited Gryffindor who hasn't a care in the world (except for defeating Voldemort, or atleast helping defeat him). She's a child most of the time and doesn't like to act her age even though her mother protests against that constantly. Penny figures that why grow up while you've got someone paying for you?

She knows when is enough, and how to be an adult, she just doesn't want to most of the time. Snogging is just something to kill time with for her, and isn't all too important although she does like a random one every so often. Penny'd snog anyone, at any time (even a Slytherin) although 97% of the time it's meaningless to her and she expects it to be the same way in return.

Penny's not mean unless she's drunk and even then you have to get her really mad to get any type of an angry person out of her. Most of the time she just takes her anger out on the pitch or likes to write about it.

She tends to be a little too free spirited some times though and often gets in trouble with her professors and sometimes her friends as well because she speaks her mind all too much. Even though Penny can typically tell when enough is enough, if she's on one of her rambling rampages she loses that whole concept.

Penelope enjoys a good joke, and loves to laugh but then again who doesn't? She won't be afraid to speak her mind to you, and if Penny thinks that something you're doing is wrong she'll most definately tell you (for example, she doesn't like what Voldie is doing so she voices her opinion to others).

Penny hates being proper and a young lady. She'd rather roll around in the mud before putting on a nice dress. She believes that her parents never treated her, or her brother and sisters, like the children they should have been treated like, so not being proper is her way of rebeling against them. Not marrying immediately after Hogwarts is another thing that her parents aren't very fond of either, and since she's getting to the end of her stay at Hogwarts they're contemplating an arranged marriage for her even if she doesn't want it.

'Side-effects' of Pregnancy:

As free as Penny's spirit is, after finding out she was pregnant, she's had to pull in the reigns a little. With her horomone levels so high, she's become more understanding and, quite literally, the shoulder for you to lean on and have a good cry with. She's sort of turned into Gryffindor's resident mother as well. Helping the younger students with their problems has become a favorite past time of Penny's as well because she can't exactly do things like quidditch, flying, or adventuring for fear of injuring herself, leading to damage of her child. Penny's also turned to getting all of the gossip and being everybody's friend - even if they may degrade her for being foolish and ending up a teenage mother.

Any of Penny's friends can clearly see that she's not who she used to be. Penelope's found it essential that she become more seriously if she's to become a mother and responsible for another's life. She can't drink at any of the wild Gryffindor parties any more, so instead she's turned into the designated driver in a way, except that she just makes sure that everyone gets to their dorms (or atleast somewhere out of harming themselves) safely. Penny's also become a bit moody. If she's happy about something, she lights up the whole room; if she's mad about something, everyone knows it; if Penny's sad, you'll likely see a puddle of tears around her.

Physical Description: Penny typically has very rich blonde hair that is naturally either curly or wavy and vibrant green eyes. She stands at an imposing 5'11" and weighs about 130 pounds normally, but since she's pregnant Penny's gained weight and lost track of how much she weighed after February (6 months).

Preferred Body Model: Sophia Myles - refer to icons in character journal.

If this is your first character: Please give us a sample RP, at least one paragraph in length. Fifth character

Hobbies and talents: Quidditch
Weaknesses: Penny tends to get herself into trouble because she speaks her mind too much, and ends up saying the wrong thing to the wrong person all too many times. She also has a tendency to start conversations in her head and finish them aloud, leading to people not understanding some of what she says and end up thinking that she's nutters.
Best subjects - max of three: Divination and Astronomy
Worst subjects - no max: Potions and Charms
Broom: Comet 260 but isn't allowed to ride it this year unless accompanied.
Wand: 9 3/4 in., Willow, and 4 strands of hair from 4 different unicorn manes.

List of classes for current year:
Defense Against the Dark Arts
History of Magic

Alignment: Very open to the fact that she hates Voldemort with a passion.
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