Week 033

May 21, 2007 20:53

*looks at selection of excuses for absence*

I don't think Track & Field was on there, but it's ending tomorrow for me so I'll have a lot more free time. School will also be ending soon but that's besides the point - the end of the year is the easiest even if it is cram-time. So this week? I want lots and lots of threads. I've still got to finish up ones from last week because a couple were important like the Avis/Tom recruiting and Peter/Mae birthday stuff (DUH) XD

Aside from those, I'm up for anything and since y'all are lazy bums and just leave 'anyone' or 'anything' up on your threadlists, I'm leaving a list. Poke me if and when you want to do the thread along with if you're posting or I am (makes for less commenting and more threading)

Mae/Adriana or Dorian - perhaps both? I have a good idea for that one.

Penny/All seventh years. One big party before the baby's born next week?
Penny/Avis or Troy

Tom/Troy ->quidditch and advice
Tom/Kenneth ->awkwardness XD
Tom/Tatiana muahaha, lots of mockery.

CJ/Margie - girl talk over Tom

Grady/Alison (because I keep failing you XP)
Grady/Dorian - maybe Grady catches Dorian sending a letter to Voldie or something and he finds out about Dorian's real status?
Grady/A student he can catch doing something - Grady'll be on the lookout for trouble since the wizarding world is so quiet

FYI, Penny's bun in the oven is nearly cooked so next week she'll be having the baby. I'm getting ready for a thread this week (yes, I'm crazy) because it'll be split into 3 parts probably - 1.when the water breaks (always fun) with girls preferrably so she has someone to 'comfort' her rather than one of the rough and tough guys, 2.the way to the hospital wing with guys preferrably to help get her there so she doesn't topple over, 3.after the baby's born with anyone - so there'll have to be people there with her because she definately won't go unnoticed. I just want a raise of hands to see who'll be at what part so I know who to have the thread open to because I don't want them to have 436121 characters in each but rather students just saying 'OMG she's about to burst' or something equally stupid.

So just leave a comment here if you want your character to have any part in the baby's arrival. It'll be on May 30th between 10:30pm-6:00am and then throughout the next day.
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