May 20, 2005 00:09
This week had alot of ups and downs..well no more MHS. I thought i would be soo happy or so sad but I didn't feel anything. Maybe it was because Todd's funeral was the day before. Gosh I never been that sad in my life so many people were there, I am glad because everyone loves Todd. I am glad alise and I were included in come of the pictures. Everyone who spoke did a very well job.The singing was wonderful as well. I was really glad Jim addressed the whole drug problem hopefully this is a wake up call for everyone.
Last night was soo cool!!! Star Wars!!! I love my Nat Portman!! The thign is I hate space/ alien movies but I always had a facination with this epic. All the questions were answered!!! I saw it at 12:01!!! Randy, me Kate, Piete, Josh , Christina, Mike soo many people were there. Seriously as soon as we saw a flim directed by Star Wars everyone started cheering and clapping it was great!! I been waiting for this for 4 years!!!! I honestly thought it was great! Especially comepared to the last one (attack of the clones).Only flaw in it I could see was the dialiouage between the Portman and Christension.They are both wonderful actors outside of the whole Star Wars bid I wish Lucas was better at the drama and acting of the story between those lovers. Hands down best performance was made by Ewan McGregor ugh how I love him!!! His acting and dialouge was far superior to any other character.He plays Obi won Kenobi if your not a nut like me you may reconize him from Moulin Rouge and if you haven't seen that then you need to stop watching Lohan movies. Speaking of Lohan she is soo fricken thin!!!!My goal to look like that for the summer..haha jk well not really..I know people lose weight but thats ridiculous she has have some kind of eating disorder right? Or being snorting..whatever she is doing she looks damn good in that kinds cokeheadish mary kate olsen way.
Randy is gone now I miss him I hope everything works out for him grandma we found out last night she went to the hospital then I slept at Randys then his mom woke us up telling us that they found a pretty big hole in her heart. I love him and that family and I hope everything works. If you are the type who prays please remeber his family in your prayer, the same with Todd's family.
Love you all Keep Safe!!!!