Apr 15, 2007 12:25
Wicked! I experienced my first earthquake on my birthday. It happened about 7 minutes ago. I heard two bangs and then the building shook. At first I thought it was the wind - thus proving I am a natural blond. Then I thought 'Oh, I'm in Japan. It's probably an earthquake.' The building was really swaying for a minute there, and my glass of water looked like that puddle on Jurrassic Park when the T-Rex was coming.
Can you tell I'm hyper?
Yesterday supplied an interestiung experience too in the form of two guys who stopped me, Carina-chan and Anna-chan in the street so they could have their photo taken with us. Very weird.
After that there was something in the air that made me really restless. I really really really wanted to hop on a train to Nagoya and get lost but thought better of it. Anna-chan was just as bad. In the end, after trawling through the out of date 'Key To Living In Okazaki' we went to Feel News supermarket. I know. Not exactly the most thrilling venue but I was my first trip there. Plus, on the way back, we stopped by the MiniStop so I could show Anna-chan the wonder of the FINEBOYS magazine, and what did we see? A fine boy! We ogled him shamelessly. (Note that I have just turned 23 and yet I appear to be regressing to the mindset of a school girl).
I'm watching channel five at the moment where that bloody annoying HG (short for Hard Gay o_O) is catching fish with his hands somewhere cold and snowy. Why do I always feel so sorry for fish? If you're going to catch them at least kill them quick rather than let them gasp to death being scalded by hot human hands. Maybe I was a fish in my previous life. Something venemous and prickly...
P.S. I was lying when I said the Amazon Japan site had no English interface for setting up an account. Gomen nasai!