I still have 1 whole bed and half of a bed filled with garlic plants. In the other half of the bed:
sundance squash
pickle bush cucumber (2)
di cicco broccoli
spacemiser zucchini
At least I've been cutting scapes and we've been having them in our omelettes and pizza and pasta sauce. Not bad really. Leaves are also finally turning brown/yellow, but still, it's a bit of a wait. I did pull 2 plants: transylvania and lorz italian. Both are softnecks, long storage shelf life post curing. I harvested what I considered were the most yellow and what looks like the smallest plants. We're planning a 3lb pork loin roast tomorrow so fresh garlic seems in order.
The scapes do look rather attractive. In the foreground are lorz italian variety. On average, there's about 4 plants per sq ft, I think the foliage just makes it look more crowded.
Close-up of a scape.
Small Lorz Italian (one of my favorite varieties btw):
Curing and tagged (one of them at least) until needed for cooking.
Why am I targetting the smaller stalks first? I want the biggest bulbs to get even bigger. Those should make the best plants for next season or rather, those should provide the largest cloves for planting. I'll probably still eat the smaller cloves on the large bulbs. It's a maximizing problem-solving approach I guess. ;)
My porch is smelling a bit garlic'y already. What in the world is it going to be like when the time comes to pull like, 20-30 at a time? !!!