It's been raining rather hard today. I took today off. Jana had a follow-up appointment with her specialist/surgeon this morning (which went very well btw, our next appt isn't until next year!) and I wanted a small break.
I still wound up running back into the office to be part of an interview at 1pm and had a headache for most of the day. So not much of "down time."
When I finally came home around 3ish, the rain had stopped. And as I reached the top of the entry stairs, I smelled garlic. And the closer I got to my house, the stronger the smell. Oh dear. It seems a little garlicly out there right now.
Above are various types of hardneck and softneck garlic. I did keep a map of which was planted where.
All of these are Spanish Roja (softneck) and all planted by Jana. In fact, I have to stop her every now and then from taking garlic from the kitchen and running outside to stick it in the dirt.
Michael was joking earlier, when less than half of the garlic shown sprouted, that we'll have our own garlic festival. I can't wait to see his reaction when he comes home tomorrow. About 30% of what is shown sprouted just this week!