Super Sprouting!

Jan 07, 2007 21:34

On Friday night, I threw in greens seeds into a coffee filter in a zippy bag with some water. About 50% of the seeds have germinated as of tonight! I did just put them on top of a radiator, that was about it. I transferred many of the sprouts into seed starters already. Hopefully I'll be able to move them into the terrarium/cold box in a couple of weeks.

The seeds I am working on are:
Buttercrunch Lettuce
Emerald Oak Lettuce
Paris Island Romaine Cos
Coleus Fairway Rose (haven't noticed any sprouts yet - this will go into my office if it germinates)

I got a bunch of arugula and "other greens" seeds from Vince recently, maybe I'll sow some of that next week.

arugula, greens, buttercrunch, coleus, garden, seeds, lettuce, winter sowing, emerald oak

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