Jana Update

Jan 15, 2006 06:50

Let's see, Jana had a cough that started Friday night, 1/7 and beginning Saturday night, we had a wild time each night with crying fits. We only gave her Tylenol Sunday night and decided to keep her home Monday. Tuesday, she was sent home early from school so home again Wednesday. Thursday, she was finally able to stay all day at school. Then on Friday, she actually napped for 2 hours. For now, Thursday night was the last night of crying fits.

We're not sure what was bothering her, but we were able to settle her with Tylenol.

Even now, I hear her fussing a little bit here and there on the baby monitor.

Otherwise...she's perking up very well. And we were able to spend some time at the bookstore yesterday! Only Michael got to browse magazines, I had Jana duty. But I did get some time at Michaels next door.

To me, she's looking rather tall now, I'd guess she has to be around 31" by now. She loves popping popcorn, ah, the popcorn dance. :) She had a rather good night last night, except for a bad fall she took and actually split her upper lip and it looks like, cut her lower gum. Good thing she likes ice, so we just pulled out an ice cube and ran it under water to shrink it and let her suck on it. The blood was not a good sight, but I saw worse on 10/31/05. That was it though, off to bed after that.

Hmm, I wonder if I can sneak in a power nap before I rush out to the Co-Op for the discount shopping day today...
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