More seed planting...

Mar 22, 2008 20:04

Friday, I took the opportunity to plant more Wando peas. I don't know why I forgot do inoculate the first batch, but I remembered this time. I also remembered to just press the seeds in instead of planting in holes. Last year, this made such a difference in germination and strength of the plants.

Larger and more photos here.

L: Wetting peas down.
R: Coating peas with inoculant.

L: Dropping peas onto ground.
R: Gently pressing peas into ground and then lightly covering with dirt.

Well, with two batches done less than a week apart in the same bed, it'll be interesting to see if there is a difference between the two groups.

Other updates...
My dwarf lime in my office does seem to have set fruit! I can see two of them! I got the plant a year ago and 6 months ago, it flowered but all of the blooms dropped. Gosh, and it's only in a 6" pot.

And my garlic is coming up!

To no surprise, the garlic in the winter box is much further along than the others.

garlic, garden, peas, dwarf limes

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