
Apr 11, 2012 22:24

I got an email from Chili's. I'm on their "please spam me" list because I have one of those cards so I can get free food for my birthday, so it wasn't a big surprize. Anyway, the email pretty much said, "We want to know more about you...Please answer these three questions." I got a little too excited and decided to take their little "getting to know you quiz. Is is wrong that I was really dissapointed that they didn't even ask me my favorite color? I mean really, how am I going to pretend to blast off a bridge if I'm not picking between red and green?! Oh well, I took the little quiz anyway. It was stupid stuff like, "When do you go to Chili's?" Then, they let you do check boxes instead of radial buttons so I just checked them all; even "all of the above." Take that, Chili's!

BTW - Is it just me, or is the lj spell checker broken?
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