
Sep 06, 2012 07:44

I have this app on my phone called 'Sleep Cycle' which is pretty cool and which wakes me up when I'm in the lightest stage of my REM cycle. It records my movement during the night and lets me know how long I actually sleep. Today was one of those disappointing days when the stupid sun woke me up half an hour before the half-hour window of my alarm and I couldn't go back to sleep. So I woke up, and after looking at my statistics, I realized that it took me TWO HOURS to fall asleep last night and I got about a grand total of four hours of actual sleep. So while that's pretty disheartening, and I'm up an hour and a half early, I'm going to try to make the most of it, I suppose. I'll pick up and make coffee and spend a bit of time studying.

I found a job at a small, private University as a Study Abroad Coordinator, that I'm perfectly qualified for. I kind of want to apply just to see if I get offered an interview, but even if I get offered an interview I wouldn't be able to go...and then I couldn't go, anyway. I feel like even if I got offered the job and it was a cool job, I wouldn't leave my contract early because I'm not a giant jerk. So I guess all I can do is hope that there are better jobs/that I'm qualified for the jobs that come along the pike when I'm actually able to apply. Who knows? I feel like most places require a Master's Degree, so that in and of itself is kind of inhibiting. But at least it's kind of buoying to be able to look at a job and scan the qualifications and realize that I'm 80% qualified for it. That makes me feel a bit better, at the very least.

Well, I'm going to go and get ready for class, maybe make some breakfast and coffee.

sleep, jobs

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