Aug 29, 2012 12:27
I don't know what's more disheartening: the fact that I'm not qualified to do any job in Japanese, or the fact that I'm not qualified for almost every job I search for!
I search for jobs because I'm unhappy where I am. I search for options and outlets, and it's really hard to not imagine myself somewhere else. I'm happy here in certain respects, totally, but it's mostly work.
I ended up talking to Megan a little bit yesterday about my fears. Maybe I shouldn't even be bringing that up, but she's pretty cool. It's nice that she's my age and stuff. Maybe we should try to hang out more outside of work. I dunno, I also don't want to ruin any working relationships, though.
Today for work I have a half an hour class taken away and replaced with an hour long class. It's hard because I feel like I'm shouldering most of the teaching hours on any given day, but it could just be how it feels. I don't really think it's the case...but still.
I bought a sample JLPT N1 test book yesterday and took the first half of the test this morning. As it stands, I wouldn't have passed, but I got 20 right out of the 48 questions that I answered. I figure if I learn all of the vocab that I didn't know that's in this book that it will at least give me a bit of a leg up. There's just so many words that I don't know yet. I think that this is actually the first time that I've prepared this much for a test. I guess I should at least be grateful for my foresight. Perhaps with a bit more hard work, I'll be able to get closer to passing? We'll see.