Feb 19, 2010 19:13
I bought my ticket for Japan today. It's a one-way as I don't know when I'll be coming back. I have a two month long vacation from the middle of August to the beginning of October, but I have no idea when I would/could come home then.
I...should be more excited than I am, instead I feel morose and melancholy. There's so much to do and yet I haven't even begun, it feels. I'm behind in everything that I had planned.
I mailed the formal documents to Japan today that confirmed my enrollment and told them about my flight plans. It was a lame adventure that ended up costing me $45 to mail four pieces of paper. Ewwww. Laurel said that she might re-imburse me? I hope so....;__;
I'm thinking about planning a 'Sayonara Party' for my family and such for the Sunday before I leave. That way I don't have to worry about them trying to show up at the airport at five in the morning. I guess this time is going to be hard because I know exactly what to expect? Who knows, really, though. I'm terrified of living on my own and am afraid that I'll be lonely like I was when I lived with the evil!host mother. (Read: all my entries from end of 2007-March of 2008)....I was just SOOOO lonely there. I'm worried I'm going to be lonely again. I know that I have Narumi and Kanto and.....what's his face (OMG, I can't remember his name...lol) there, but I need some kids my age.
Blaaah. Sorry about all this worry!vomit all over the place. At least I should be able to pay off two of my credit cards before I go. That's good at least. Sigh.
In better news, I got my muffler fixed. I was expecting to spend like $220 on it, but when in, was forceful about the worth of my car (crappy) vs. cost of repair, and they were able to give me a brand new muffler + labor for $167. That's pretty sweet. I can now park my car at home and I am thrilled by that. :D
I am going out tonight with Sky and Sky's friend Shannon and possibly later to a movie with her and Sky's other friend Maria. (I don't really have any other Burlington friends besides Sky...) I don't really feel that much like socializing right now, so I hope that I can muster it before I go.
Betsy's leaving the country next Wednesday to go to Korea. ;~~; I feel like I owe her ten thousand phone calls, fifteen hundred texts and mountains of letters. I feel like a rather neglectful friend. Sigh. At least she'll be closer to me in Korea when I'm in Japan. Closer than Vt to AZ, anyway.
I'm not sure that this entry could improve my mood, so I'm just going to end here.