Time at start: 18:57 J Building Nagoya time
2. Im listening to: Nathalie typing
3. Maybe I should: not be hanging out at the school doing a meme, but instead going to my dorm and doing homework. The lure of McDonald's is so strong at this point....
4. I love: a lot of stuff. Including my family, penguins, food, sleeping, video games...uh milk tea. The list goes on.
5. My best friends: are awesome. :D
6. I don't understand: why Japanese liturature, and subsequently, movies, have to suck so hard all the time.
7. I lost: my Death Note cell phone charm....dangly thingy. ;-;
8. I'm tired of: being stared at like I'm some kind of weird mutant whenever I board public transportation.
9. The meaning of my screen name is: Uh. Penguee...nickname from childhood. Hime. 姫ーJapanese for Princess. whoot.
10. Love is: something that two people work towards and can grow into.
11. Somewhere, someone is: laughing, crying, having a hoe-down.
12. I will always: love the sound of crickets on a cool summer night.
13. Forever seems: a long way away. "Who has forever, anyway?" -Who Wants To Live Forever
14. My cell phone is: one of the sweetest electronic devices I have ever had the privilige of owning. EVER.
15. When I woke up in the morning: I decided to skip two classes and come to school late. It was a nice choice.
16. I get annoyed when: People think that they know everything there is to know...and the things they talk about turn out to be WRONG. UGH. SHUT UP. That, and people with obnoxiously loud voices.
17. Kisses are the best when: they are from people you love. Or from animals. But not in a yucky way. >.>
18. Today I'm: really, really hungry. I should be talking to Kelley, I think, then. ;-;
19. Tonight I will: EAT AT MCDONALDS.
20. Tomorrow I will: Go to class, then karaoke. :D:D:D:D
21. I really want: to figure out a lot of stuff that has been swimming around in my head lately.
22. People say I am: 'a happy, smiling, nice person with big pretty brown eyes who is nice to hug!!!!!' <--written by Nathalie
* * * * *
1. Would you rather kill a puppy with your bare hands or make out with your father? I would rather do NEITHER. Ew. No thanks.
2. What would be worse for the world: One giant (approx. 30 feet tall) cybernetic Hitler, or if all food screamed when you ate it? The screaming food. Uh, the Hitler could easily be taken care of. It's not like he did all that crap on his own, anyway. People think he dirtied his hands and was solely to blame for that kind of crap...
3. Zombies become a very harsh reality. Sensing the ethical code society has instilled in you slipping away, you decide to start killing everything that moves with what weapon? Would magic count? Or maybe a flame thrower, I guess. It would smell, but you wouldn't really have to worry about aiming, I guess.
4. When charging into battle, your war cry is? CHARGE! I'm original.
5. A temporal rift has opened up while you were in the bathroom and sucked you into the distant, distant past. Where do you pray to fucking God that you don't end up? The DARK Ages. Doctor: Oh, you're sick? Let's BLEED the sickness from you.
Besides, I'd probably be a foul, poop-smeared peasant if that were the case, too. D:
6. Ninjas vs. Pirates: Who wins? Defend your answer. Who really cares? I think that the Pirates would be at odds if the fight wasn't near an ocean, but they could always blow the crap out of ninjas if they were on the shore. In the end, I guess I don't really care, as I wouldn't want to see either of them fighting.
7. It's your wedding day. However, the night before ants crawled into your head and drove you insane. Whilst in the thralls of madness, you pick what song as your wedding ballad?
"I'm Going Slightly Mad" I guess, by Queen.
8. You're driving around and you see an Asian dude on a Kawasaki Ninja motorcycle with a sword strapped to his back. The first thought that comes to your mind is: Hey honey, you really are trying a little too hard for people to think that you are Japanese.
Or, additionally : Is that legal?
9. The Battle: A Pit Bull vs. A Pit Bull's body weight in ill-tempered weasels. You place your bets on: Not too keen on my weasel knowledge, so I guess the Pit Bull?
10. A serious Dance-Dance Revolution accident leaves you with special powers. Unfortunately the powers aren't all that super. It seems that all you can do is: shoot ants out of my finger tips.
11. What alcohol do you drink when you absolutely want the whole world to know how much you hate everyone? What? Uh,...I don't really know how to answer that. I guess if I really hated everyone else, I'd drink something that gave me awful gas or something, but I don't know if such a liquid exists.
12. You have sinned grossly against God and country. Your punishment is to be eaten alive by one of God's creatures. Luckily, you get to pick what creature that is: a whale. I'd drown, and it wouldn't chew me up or anything. Sweet.
13. In your most humble opinion, what do you feel is the most vile and savage swearword you can spew forth unto another person: I wouldn't swear the way normal people do, so...I dunno.
14. You get to change the name of the state you are living in. You choose: Hmmm. We're in Aichi right now....so I think that ARRRCHEESE would be a good name. ;D Mmm. Vermont cheese. Can you tell I'm really hungry?
15. Which animal would totally eat you if it could? Those evil looking birds in the grocery store parking lots. THEY ARE OUT FOR BLOOD, I TELLS YA.
16. Sexiest number between 1 and 10: What does this even mean? In what way are numbers sexy? Uh...I guess I'll just say that 7, 'shichi' in Japanese, because you can whisper it all sexily.
17. You are carrying your drink back from the bar when you accidentally run into this girl, spilling your drink on her. She's being a total bitch about it but, c'mon, it was totally just an accident. Her boyfriend subsequently challenges you to fisticuffs. Name two friends you'd want on your side in a fight: Nathalie, and my brother, Eric. We'd kick hoe-bag's butt.
18. If you could, what historical figure would you totally like to peg in the junk with a brick? Don't say Hitler, you uncreative fuck: ahdflkjahdiohqqalrfhweqoi. He wasn't like this evil demon. Of course he made bad things happen, but the reason that WWII was so tragic was that so many people who knew about it LET it happen, ergh. < /history rant>
Seriously, though. Maybe President Andrew Jackson. For all the crap he did to Native Americans. Take THAT, Drooly!
19. What would it cost to make you willingly and knowingly contract pubic lice: Uh. No. I mean, I guess you could always get rid of it afterwards, but maybe like, a billion dollars, my own island, eternal happiness....the list goes on.
20. Think of the grossest name a strip club could possibly have: Uncle Ed's Barn Girls
Time at end: 19:29pm