So. I'm done. I've watched all of of Firefly and I just finished watching Serenity (oh, how I love Limewire). Part of me just died inside, I think you should know.
Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! *dies* That was really not cool. Really. I really liked him. *glares* But at least they didn't kill Simon. Then I really would have had to kill Joss Whedon. The Simon/Kaylee was kind of cute though. I'm torn between being completely in love with the ship and being completely squicked out. :P
Overall, I thought it was a pretty good movie, but nowhere as good as the series. In my opinion, every single episode of the show was just brilliant. What did you guys think of Serenity the first time you saw it? Links, memories, whatever, I'm in that stage of obsession where I can't have enough of it!
So. My favorite characters: Simon, Wash, River, Jayne, Zoe
I actually really like them all. I think I liked Inara the least though. As of now though, I have no ships. In other words, this is your opportunity to convert me to your ship(s). Rec me Firefly/Serenity fic!!!!! Preferably stuff that has your fav ships in it. I have read absolutely zero of it and as usual, have no idea where to start so that is your job. I'll read anything, honestly. Just rec me!! Or, you know, spam me with stuff about it! Please? :D