The other day I splurged on this colourful packet of pens. I'd been eyeing them off for years, whenever I visited Officeworks. They are so gorgeous, don't you think?
I also bought a refill for my trusty filofax diary. It felt like my year could properly begin. I could now write down dates and appointments and envisage how 2010 is going to look.
Things I'm looking forward to:
* starting a new job. I'm a bit nervous about it, but also excited.
* "Valentine's Day Massacre" themed party in the Rocks. Yay, 1920s. I need a costume.
* Suzy's baby shower!!!!!! The invitations I helped build with Suzy look really fantastic and it'll be a fun afternoon of high tea and cute things.
* possible trip to Adelaide for a feminist conference in June. (Must submit abstract soon)
* possible trip to the US (!!!) later in the year.
* meeting Suzy and Ben's new baby some time in April. So exciting!! All my other friends who've had babies live a long way away. This little one will be just around the corner!! I look forward to visiting and helping out where I can, and no doubt taking heaps of photos. :)
* continuing to spend time in my gorgeous neighbourhood (and exploring new ones) with Sasha and friends and my stripey cat.