Jan 31, 2010 17:30
I think I've found my church. They start confirmation classes in March, which...seems like a big step, but really I've been halfway there since my year at Exeter, and taking the class wouldn't be an absolute commitment. Warm, intelligent people, lovely music, good sermon--but how does one break up with a church? That might be harder than finding a new one.
Which reminds me; I got through playing at my parents' church creditably enough, I suppose, though I had to fudge on the left hand a bit, especially as my arm keeps going all tingly at odd intervals. But the best part of the whole thing was the sermon. It made me want to roll my eyes occasionally, which is part of why I'm leaving, but the point of this story is that the pastor there loves to user video clips to illustrate what he's saying. And the gospel message that week was Jesus driving the demons into the herd of pigs, and he wanted to show us what a real demon possession is like (here's me rolling my eyes again, because clearly a documentary is the best way to handle that sort of topic), and he turned the lights down and started the video and who should show up but Giles. He'd chosen a clip from that True Horror thing ASH did a few years back, and I'm sure it was meant to be very sobering, but it was all I could do to keep a straight face. Best. Sermon. Ever.