POI 3.03: Ladykiller

Oct 11, 2013 20:45

Expected to be enraged based on everything I'd heard, but honestly I was mostly bored. Acting, score, script, direction, and editing all felt like I was watching an episode of White Collar or NCIS, and I don't mean that as a compliment.

Just sent a series of very dissatisfied texts to 
orockthro  (guys I have a fannish friend IRL!), and we agreed one of the major problems is that Carter and Root are the only characters with actual motivation right now. Why is Shaw even working with them? Has Finch been checking in on 'Robin'? Is Reese planning ahead for the inevitable collision with shadowy organizations #2, 3, and I don't even remember anymore? I care about those questions--last season's finale set me up to care about them!--but I don't feel like the show does.

Also, creepy stalker kidnapper asshole, get your hands off my beautiful demoted avenging angel of the NYPD, and stop buttering her up by telling her she should be a detective while pretending you don't know she had that job and lost it, you jerk.

(ETA that I have actually quite enjoyed large portions of White Collar and have found NCIS entertaining; their aesthetic doesn't really work for me, though, and I tend to find the production and editing are a bit off.)

Oh yeah, and I'm back! Just finished a work deadline, and I should actually be catching up on emails and posts this weekend.

comments at http://pendrecarc.dreamwidth.org/170479.html. Feel free to comment wherever you prefer.

fandom: person of interest

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